I am originally from India and had some preconceived notions about China before visiting. I had mostly heard negative things about the country and its people. However, my visit to Yangzhou and Shanghai in 2017 completely changed my perspective. China is far ahead of much of the world, almost like they are living in the future. The Chinese people are shy but incredibly helpful. The only challenge I faced was the lack of access to Google and other American-based services. Most of the cities are exceptionally clean, well-organized, and, most importantly, everyone follows the laws set by the authorities. We need to learn so manything from chinese. ENjoy your time there.
I once met a Canadian aunt on WhatsApp who told me that she went to China to work as a teacher for a month five years ago. It was the most wonderful month of her life because she felt the purest kindness and friendliness.
You're not the first Italian to visit China. Marco Polo beat you by 700 years 😅 But seriously, thanks for another great vlog & the tip on getting alipay.
China is living in the future compared to most countries.
Yes the media scares us all about other countries but we would be foolish not to explore. Good job bro.
Today, China is a safe and beautiful place to visit. Most Chinese people are friendly. Going there again in Sep/Oct. I agree with you, don't believe what the mainstream media tells you.
I am originally from a small city next to Chengdu , now living in Shenzhen .As I am being told all the time that Chengdu is definitely many visitors' favorite ! Enjoy your time there !
Another nice and informative video. Thank you for sharing.
🤔yea', I stopped watching main stream western media a few years ago', so it's Refreshing to see your Live Perspective''''👍
Im from vietnam, and ive always wanted to visit China because it has developed so much over the years. Beautiful country
Incredible China! Amazing place and thank you for the report.
I visited China for the first time in 2005 (I travelled by bicycle from Yunnan to Inner Mongolia, came through Chengdu as well) and I was blown away by the friendly, wonderful people, the delicious food and the modern infrastructure. It's a shame, what kind of impression we get here in the west because of the media and it's truly worth, seeing this great country with your own eyes. Thanks for taking us with you! Best wishes from Switzerland
What an eye opener. Excellent
Thank you for Sharing this beautiful video i think this the best video about China❤❤❤ more vedeos Sir Gab❤❤❤ take care always
It was the people that changed my mind. I mean the places are great but the people are amazing. They come out to play, are kind and helpful and aren't constantly trying to scam you. I was there for a few years and ended up marrying one - together for 12 years now - mainly in New Zealand but we go back a lot. The Chinese people are a welcome change from the much more reserved Kiwis.
Ciao Gabi, no io sono sempre stato affascinato dalla possibilità di poter visitare la Cina, forse anche perché i cinesi in generale mi sono sempre stati simpatici...mai fatto condizionare da quello che pensiamo noi in Occidente, anzi è proprio il contrario!!...cmq gran bel video e attendo i prossimi dalla bellissima Cina...
What a wonderful place!!
欢迎来成都耍❤️love from CHENGDU
Hallo Gabi, Me and my husband plan to go China this New year and your Video help us alot..We are waiting for the next one ❤