
Explain to me why this is more important than the President of the US pushing his buddy's product.  Please stop normalizing this behavior.


Republicans embracing EVs would be shocking- pun intended.


Who the hell can afford an EV with this economy and amount of people that what put out of a job. Not to mention the animosity towards Musk.


Happy Birthday Michael. I can compliment you on the day your Mom and Dad welcomed you to the Pennsylvania county of your birth🙂🩺


My mother and I purchased our Model Y's in the first 6 months of their release. We live in very Red Indiana. My mother fears her car will be vandalized and I have some concern as well considering the recent vandalization of dealerships and superchargers. Our lives have taken a financial decline since those purchases. Tesla values have plummeted and we cannot afford to replace our cars. I certainly would could I. But we love our Teslas. They have truly changed our day to day lives for the better. Its gut wrenching.


Did you schedule another trip to Mar-a-lago to celebrate your b-day?
I hear they have special parking for Swasticars.


Thank you Michael SmerConish.  It is a crazy world, Lol!  I'm  waiting to watch your CNN programme ❤  10:06


I don't think Trump knew Teslas were electric.


Happy Birthday Michael!!🎉🎉🎉🎉


You talk about Tesla helping reduce carbon emissions but what about the batteries? What happens when the batteries are disposed of; can’t be used due to manufacture defect/mishap/car accident? And, what about the people dying due to exposure from mining the minerals needed to make the batteries? Are EV’s truly the answer?


I am a very old DEMOCRAT-(and have been all my life) and I drive a jeep and have been driving them for 68 years—I would never ever buy or drive or ride in a Tesla —I would not let anyone that has one to park theirs in my driveway


Happy Birthday Blessings 🙏🏽


Michael, do you remember when you shared data that said that most EV drivers are republican based on their voting data?


Not the Republicans I know🥴


Most American made car? In the news letter didn’t it say that his more affordable car will be produced in Shanghai?


My husband and I are both out liars when it comes to car make.


If they did not when Musk started openly supporting Trump last year,  they will not now. And on top of that Trump is making it harder to own an EV.


Happiest Birthday Michael!


I don’t think republicans are against EV vehicles in general. They are against being forced to buy them. I know a lot of republicans with EVs, and not just Tesla. If you want to talk about changing attitudes: Democrats and Obama were all over Musk and how great he was and how he was going to change the world….. but now that he is on the side of Trump, all that has changed in a stupidly dramatic way


Republicans secretly want one of these vehicles and now they have their chance.