
Since getting a dog, my creative juices have soared. I’m convinced that the rhythm of walking and “zoning out” are amazing exercises for songwriting.


Just finished...." Two by five"   Robbie Russell.  Finally a song with sections.......With your help , I'm closing in on better songs.Thanks for all your help . I can't....not finish ....a song, I just keep at it. Two by five took me 5 months and probably 4o lyric changes. I'm ok with it if I can prove growth in my choices. Of course I'm too close to it, but even I, can see growth and progress at least in the right direction. This channel is so helpful. The more I learn though , the more I see is involved in creating a good/great song. Now I need to be less wordy :) Write On !


Impossible to watch videos on this channel without taking notes. So many gems in this one. I recently took 2 songwriting classes at Berklee Online (Harmony and Melody). Both were wonderful but they were all about the music, and I needed guidance on crafting lyrics. Keppie’s videos have provided the much-needed missing piece. Many, many thanks to you!!


You are brilliant - no one else makes the theory of songwriting so do-able, so clear so … ‘right I’m going to go and do that now !’


So helpful. One of my main tips that I use to finish songs, even though I've only got two done in my short career, is to...

Get away from the song! If you have the ability and time, let your subconscious work on it. Come back and hear it fresh. Then get to work. Then stop.

Eventually, though, you Then need to really sit down and polish. As part of this process, I really try to edit out anything that is superfluous and get to the CORE of what is happening. A fresh ear is really good for finding when you're doing way too much


This video is so useful, at the moment I’m really struggling with the fear of failure. I think that’s what it is. I don’t want to start a new song because I don’t want to find that I can’t finish.


My no. 1 key to finishing songs is: Have a hard deadline.


you never make a bad video 💖


Very good info. I took notes.


This is all solid gold advice- I love your videos.  THANK YOU!!!


Another great video, thanks so much for sharing 😎😎😎


your enthusiasm inspires me. your smart, well thought out videos provide me with tools. which I will now go and put to use. thank you!


I just had do to step 2 last night so I layed out the  chord progressions and modulations and im gonna stick to them guiding me … Cool this came up on my feed today


Thank you so much H.T.W.S. I find you truly inspirational in my song writing and song writing ideas, sometimes it's easy to start a song but a bit difficult to conclude and finish. I love going for a walk in the park where I reside here in So-Cal and find that to be very useful, again I'm grateful for all the things you do for us all in teaching the craft.


Finishing my first original album, just realised I needed your video like blood, many thanks for huge help, specially lyrics❤😊 from Hamburg


You are an excellent teacher - thank you!


Your help has allowed me to complete some of the lyrics that I have been tooling around with for several months, even years in some cases. Thank You!


I love when you give us this kind of material 🥰 thanks a lot guys 🖤


I love this channel so much, I’m always growing cause of this channel.


I've been "winging it" my whole life, and I am so glad that I have stumbled onto you and your amazing processes. I have gone back to some of what I have already created to find where I might have actually used your techniques unknowingly, as it helps me solidify it in my brain...concept worked=concept good=use again! What I struggle with a lot is how to edit ideas. How do you narrow down 7 minutes of lyrics that you feel work down to an acceptable consumable 3 to 4 minutes? Thank you for sharing your knowledge!