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Ah yes, to avoid the controversial subject of British politics, they went for the much more peaceful subject of American politics


This crisp advert was ruined by some nonsense about maps.


Today I had back pain.  I found myself humming "Back pain, back pain, back back back pain.... pain."


I live in Utah. Recently, a ballot measure passed with an overwhelming majority requiring the state to create a review board for fair, nonpartisan redistricting. The state shot it down and simply refused to do it, and now there's a new ballot measure pretending to increase the strength of ballot measures but actually just codifying that the state is allowed to ignore them so they don't get sued next time.


Pronouncing it “Mah-rye-lawned” is payback for all those times Americans have called it “Westchesterfordshire sauce”


As an American, I can say that the worst part of drawing voting district lines, is that we allow the party in charge to draw them. I don't care if the party doing it is Democratic or Republican, allowing political parties to draw their own voting district lines that they can directly benefit from is akin to the old statement of "allowing a fox to guard the hen house." That's really something that needs to be moved to a non-partisan committee.


Naming districts is actually an incredibly simple and subtle solution to help reduce Gerrymandering.


1:09 wait is that the 1812 overture?? genius reference right there


I'm impressed that they managed to find that many similarities between gerrymandered districts and those oddly specific depictions, let alone make them into a rhyming song


That Maryland district was pretty notorious. It was so ludicrous that a judge famously called it "a broken-winged pterydactyl lying prostrate across the state."


Michigan is actually one of the first states to fix Gerrymandering. Through a state-wide referendum, Michigan residents took the power of drawing districts away from the legislature and gave it to a board with an even number of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. In the next election, the state went from being Republican controlled despite Democrats winning the popular vote to Democrats holding a  slim majority, which reflected the popular vote. It's possible to address Gerrymandering, but not if politicians get to draw the borders.


"Stop worrying about democracy and let a dictator take over", Map Men predicted 2025


As a Californian, the reference to Schwarzenegger was an effort- which passed while he was governor- to create a citizen's commission for redistricting. While this new system still isn't perfect, it takes away the ability for the politicians to draw the maps and puts it in the hands of a citizen group. In California we feel this has been a good step in the right direction.


In France we recently solved the conundrum: after the legislative vote, the president (executive) still does whatever strikes his fancy.


1:27 No, no new song by Tchaikovsky; your paper is from 1812, and my man's been born in 1840, and the 1812 overture's been published in 1880


Hey, the Dutch national news broadcaster 'NOS' just posted an explaimer about the US voting system. And they used a fragment of your episode! As a Dutchman and your fan, this was a hugh hype


There’s also the issue of unilateral disarmament. Neither party wants to be the first to tackle gerrymandering because banning it only in the states they control would give the other party a huge advantage.


I love your style, and this is a really important video to teach people.

Unrelated to the content, I wish more people knew about the incredible job I did in my US government class, where I almost broke my teacher's brain by perfectly gerrymangering my realistic digital districts with nothing by straight sided rectangles. Her first reaction when I called her over to look at my work was "That's not right, you're supposed to follow the lesson plan and gerrymander your districts". I'll never forget her long pause when I gladly said "I did!", and she stared at the straight lines perfectly packing and cracking to manipulate the results, and says "Wait, you did." I pointed out how cool my nice neat straight lines were, and watched the smile melt from her face with a simple "Huh." I think her faith in the government was a bit shaken at that moment. It's hilarious how badly some of those districts are drawn. I strongly believe if our politicians cared more about making better maps, they could gerrymander our districts without using all those nonsensical insane squiggles.


Lyrics for the Gerrymandering song:

A showerhead,
A car with wings,
One of those old-fashioned hand drill things.

A dinosaur,
A watering can,
The shape on the flag of the Isle of Man.

A metal detector,
A bale of hay,
A knight sitting on his horse the wrong way.

A rabbit in a hat,
And a Bop It
And a spoon
Super Soaker, seahorse, Cameroon!

A plume of steam from a mug of tea.
Donald Duck being kicked by Goofy.
A carpet stain from a naughty pup.
A mouse leaning over with a big thumbs up.

Snake, dog, bat, dog, snake, duck snake.
We'll be right back after the break!