
This contains tips which are well thought out and which I fully agree with.  Great content.


These are transferrable for a lot of professional roles, thanks so much for sharing them!


As a first year lawyer in Australia, these are such fabulous tips. Thankyou!!


Agreed so much on bring pen and paper(extras never hurts), so important to drop everything down in note form so you don't forget any tiny bits of info which may comeback to haunt you afterwards!!!!!! Yes, unforce errors on grammar mistakes are really embarrassing!!!!!!   Can't wait to see your next videos!!!!!!


such helpful tips — for young lawyers & other professionals! thank you for sharing :)


Great tips! And they are transferable skills that can be used in any career like finance, tech, investment, research etc.


Love Em's new hair!!! thanks for the very useful tips guys


It’s really insightful, love this vid!


Great tips. Thanks for sharing.


This is full of great tips. Thanks for sharing!


Super helpful as I’m about to start my training contract in two weeks — thanks for making this video!


Sounds like some of these tips are transferrable and application in other professions too, e.g. finance, tech
Thank you for sharing! 
Off topic, have either of you thought about being a Prosecutor?


Thanks for sharing


thank you!!!


From the country and industry that I came from, people don’t apply these tips and lots of backstabbing around. At times, I even find myself at the losing end trying to apply these best practices. In my world, people play it dirty yet trying to act noble. Nonetheless, thanks for the video.


Hi from the UK


anyone - i’m 16 and really like the idea about becoming a lawyer. i’m from the uk south east way. i am currently doing a levels but i don’t think they are ideal for law; psychology, economics and eng lang. does anyone have any tips about putting myself out there etc? thanks


Don't go to law school.