I think it's possible to embrace life to the best of your ability, and to wring whatever joy you can from it while still maintaining a belief that it would have been better never to have been born. To recognize this belief doesn't necessarily mean that you've succumb to existential despair. It's possible to be joyful in life while still acknowleding that life's joys don't necessarily justify its sufferings.
This man just completely missed the main argument of Benatar's book. His main argument was not that most humans feel more suffering than happiness, that was an aside from the main argument. It seems to me that Peterson read the title of the book and simply came to his own conclusions about the content.
I was thinking my suffering (from chronic joint pain) was bigger than my happines, but since I know I have hearth failure, I cant stop crying.
JP gave his opinion and that's all. I've never seen anyone build a convincing argument against Benatar's book. And the book has been out since 2006. Life is not worth the trouble. Even before reading Benatar's book I had already decided that I do not want children.
"Life is really hard" you said that yourself, then by definition not existing would be neutral ( not hard or easy), neutral is still better than hard, therefore not existing is still better than life, sorry professor but i have to disagree on your view here and agree with the book.
This place is obviously hell when we express relief things aren’t worse
I'm convinced it is better never to have been
May he recover well from his depression, suffering, fighting his demons, shadows. I wish Mr Peterson all the best.
People don’t have to ask a question when they’ve already done so to come to their conclusion
Prof David benatar swept dr Jordan b. Peterson under the rug during their intellectual debate. And this is coming from somone that loves them both and has no bias
I’m glad to have had the experiences I’ve had, but if I believed there was a chance I’d suffer for all eternity after I die, I’d undo it all in a second. Returning to nothingness is a great solace. We can endure anything but for a moment
For me, life is not a gift. A test, a struggle...a survival thing.
I'd like to nominate Peterson as the person who most likes the sound of his own voice in the 21st century.
I'm happy that Jordan peterson is still here with us.
I agree with benatar. I'm a nihilist whether I like it or not. It's just what ultimately agree with. Fleeting moments of happiness we have cannot reconcile the overall suffering we experience. Ofcourse my on personal experience accounts for this. It seems overall in the end we are just here for gods amusement, which seems more or less he likes to see us crawl and squirm in our skins all because he can. His "love" doesnt come quite through the way his yeah sayers praise him to be. Ofcourse I naturally question gods motives.
No existence = no suffering Existence = suffering How can there be a justification for existence?
Jordans affliction is intelligence, compassion and wisdom all mixed up. I love the man.
It is easy for someone who has not suffered much to be content with their existence. But for those of us who have suffered to an extreme every day of their existence, life is a torturous jail sentence. Suffering is pointless. Living a life of suffering is meaningless. It accomplishes nothing. Life is not worth living.
A year ago, I was in a bitter state of mind, where I felt like it would have been better had I never existed. That's when I started listening to JP. He has helped me see why life is worth living. I have come so far since then. Thank you, Dr. Peterson, for helping so many of us out here 😊.