
I have a life long friend who back in 1988, he sailed the southern Atlantic Ocean for 2 months straight. He is not a story teller and very honest and reliable. He said when he and his dad were sailing back then that they saw real mermen type beings. He said they had no hair and were ugly. He said they would swim sort of beside their boat in small pods. Back then, there was no instant cameras so they only have their word on this story but I believe them. My friend said his dad was talking about their experience with the mermen on his death bed a few years ago. I have stories he has told me of his experience, so amazingly cool...


I use to kayak at night a LOT and have seen some weird stuff. The oddest was a human looking hand grabbed the front of my kayak and slowed me down. I slapped at it with my orr and it released me. Same time something tried to flipped my buddy. We stayed to shallower areas after that


Some months ago I was at a village in Nigeria, Uyo village. I was passing a bridge coming back at night. I was with my friend, I heard a sound of someone swimming. I ignored the sound, I thought it was just the water just rushing. But it appears the sound was following us, I wanted to ask my friend what was going on. He signalled me with his hand for me to stay quiet until we left the bridge. Then, he narrated the story of the mermaid that lives there, how it drags people into the water and their bodies can never be discovered. The kind of fear that gripped me, lol.  I went back there with him but in daylight, I saw nothing. I am planning to go back there and investigate, I want to see one lol. These things are real, but for some reason the mainstream media for years has propagated this idea that it's not true but just comical.


I never thought that I would become an adult who would seriously entertain the idea of mermaids! Something VERY strange started happening to me with mermaids the last quarter of 2023, but before then I just thought it was a fairy tale. The carvings in stone, ancient text, biblical text, sightings...it's all actually starting to make more sense! Sometimes Truth really is stranger than fiction!


Mermaid skeletons were found by archeologists in many parts of the world. Also, many videos and nowdays witnesses show mermaids and other creatures like Nessie, Bigfoot, dogmen, werewolves, and so on, really exist.


I live in Jamaica and I only recently learned about Enoch And the great flood but i saw one in a river and I'm traumatized for life, i know what I saw and I believe what I see


Wow....Those fallen angels, the watchers really did a lot of harm on everything they touched, during the time of Enoch.Ouch!šŸ˜¬


The Annunaki created about 10 or more variations of humans / hybrids to work in all areas of this planet.  That is why these stories / tales still ring true but details were forgotten over time. Still today you hear about some humans with webbed feet & hands or with gills!! Our history is rifed about Werewolves, Minotaurs, Harpyies, Hermitadites, etc.. 
You must realizes that difference between Science and Magic is one can be explained thru facts while the other yet to be established or explored.


Thank you for playing Eno. Iā€™ve been always fascinating why they left Enoch all the Bible. Iā€™m still learning. Itā€™s like going back to school and trying to learn something that you werenā€™t taught. Thank you again for sharing it with us.šŸ™šŸ»ā¤ļø


There are several stories or legends of sea creatures such as Mermaids mating with male French Royalty creating a Royal lineage with supernatural abilities such as the Merovingians. The first of their line was named Meroveus,  (mer meaning ocean or sea in French) His father was human and his mother was said to be  a sea creature/Mermaid and this odd love affair started  one of the most famous Royal lineages in France, also known as the 'long haired kings.''
There was another story in France about a Royal who fell in love with a woman called Museline (sp?) She told him to never watch her when she bathed but one time he snuck a peak and was shocked to see that she had  a double hooked mermaid tail lower body. I believe Starbucks uses a version of her image.
 She was so enraged, she and her 3 daughters who were just like her left him and fled to an island and I believe his life didn't work out well after that. Never cross a Mermaid!! lol
And in southern France, former Occitania, every body of water from a lake, river or even a stream was thought to have a water deity who they brought offerings to and worshipped, even if they were just crossing a bridge or it was thought to be bad luck.... again, never p*ss off a mermaid!! They also spoke of female deities that had bird feet in that region. 
The amazing Basque people who also live on the border of southern France and Spain have many legends of water deities and claim they descended from Atlantis. 
Even the story of Beowulf tells of a local king, I believe in Nordic mythology who mated with a female sea creature and she gave birth to a disgusting male giant monster who would wreak havoc on the town and eat humans but the king never wanted to kill him because it was his son. We can't forget Poseidon, the God of the sea who was incredibly powerful in Greek mythology!! If you ever look at an old map from the time of the explorers and I believe these maps were copies of much much older maps, you will see bizarre sea creatures that don't exist today.....or do they??  Perhaps we've been led to believe they don't exist, yet, there are legends of many bodies of water that have sea creatures and tiktok is full of videos of mermaids, are they all fake? These creatures seem to be in our culture going back to antiquity.  
Why would all these legends exist if they are all just fiction. I've always wondered about this. I've never had a good feeling about them. If you follow "Missing 411'' - The researcher investigates the most bizarre disappearances of people around the world and there are way more than most people realize, one common denominator is..... bodies of water. If you haven't  come across David Paulides' work, he's written over a dozen books, made 3 amazing films and puts out weekly youtube videos. What is the connection with water??
I don't think Disney's portrayal, again of a mermaid falling in love with a Prince, there's that Royalty connection.... is an accurate portrayal of Ariel being beautiful and kind. I think they are evil whether in physical form or spiritual. The water holds a great many mysteries and the legends are endless of strange sea creatures. But it's very curious that there are so many legends of sea creatures mating with Royalty, don't get me started on the speculations!! I could go on and on about European Royalty and how they are different genetically and were so obsessed with keeping their bloodline pure and frowned upon mating with mere mortals.... perhaps that weakens their magical abilities? And after the great culling of Royals between the French Revolution to WWll, are there really any of the true Royals left??? Was this a targeted agenda to destroy their DNA? Just a thought. There is so much more to say on this topic!! Much love to everyone!


Thank you for the story on the Zimbabwean mermaids! šŸ‡æšŸ‡¼


I live in Michigan, USA if you spend time or live near the ā€œGreat Lakesā€ you hear stories of divers coming up missing and some bodies that are never found. There has also been bones that were found to have chew marks. But there are no piranhas fish in the Great Lakes. Makes you think?


People have to remember there are over 66 books in the Bible. Only a third of the books are in the Bible. The higher-ups  put what they felt fits in the Bible. History!! ? His story wake up. People


Its not really a song they actually sing. Its more like a hypmotising tone  or tones or an actual set of frequencies. They can and will hypmotize humans in this way.


The days before the flood was crazy the fallen angles caused havoc on earth šŸ˜® some of the things from that time still exist to this day šŸ˜¢


I read that they were once human women, the same human women who were wives of the watchers,  the angels who took human wives.


I have the Book of Enoch. It is a very good book. If you have the mind to itā€™s a good readā¤


YouTube video has a news agency report about the disappearance of a young man from the edge of a lake in Peru.  He appeared days later and was unable to speak and was in a very weak condition.  His mother and church prayed for his recovery .  He recounted that a mermaid had taken him into the depths of the lake, but was unable to keep him because he was the property of Mighty God and under His protection, and it/she/they had to return him.  Heard similar accounts of people asking Jesus for help, even in a state of sleep paralysis, and were NOT abducted by aliens.


Of course they survived how u gon drown a mermaid!!!!


In the Ethiopian Bible, which has the rest of the books, the new kings James version doesnā€™t talks about how fallen angels didnā€™t just mate with humans which made giants but also all different types of creatures, The Egyptianā€™s worshipped gods that had ā€œanimal like headsā€, and the hieroglyphs show us that, folk lore comes from somewhere folks