
"Welcome to Jurassic Park"....'s franchise playlist on Sci-Fi Station - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbV8PUWO1igDqjqJuGY3pQHJMQNJNOaG8

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0:54 a small example of how awesome the sound design for this film is. I love the sounds of the gate trying to close but gets thrown open by the indominus


Its wild asf that this movie would have ended in 20 mins if they installed human sized doors right beside the gate.


This is literally the average Tuesday in Jurassic world evolution


Such good CGI


Indominus Rex - "I am Bad 😈"
Mososorus - "You are my Free Dinner 🍽️"


When the Mosa kills the Indominus, Rexy be like:
"Nah, bro stole my kill!"


A disturbing detail about the Indominus is she never eats any of the dinosaurs she kills in the film, she chooses to kill them purely for her own twisted amusement, simply because she can. But she chooses to devour humans intentionally and savours the terror in humans that she encounters, she even throws them around and gores them on her talons as we see when she kills the ACU sent to stop her, hinting that she may possibly be either psychopathic or have an intense hatred of humans due to being neglected and trapped in a such a small enclosure. Though all of this is more likely due to her unstable genetic composition.


Lmao, Blue tag teaming with the T-Rex was hella funny and cute, doing launches off the Rex's back 🀣🀣🀣


I'm just amaze by that woman running all over the park, racing with T-rex.. using high heels..


My favourite fictional dinosaur, she's horrifying and gorgeous, and the fact that we share the same nickname Indy is funny but makes me like her more.


The sounds they used for the indominus is terrifying


8:55 The irex throwing a screaming fit like a 6 year old πŸ˜‚


Ironically, it's wasn't the Indominus rex that drove the park into ruins - at least, not directly, or even intentionally. If the chopper didn't litterally chase her into the aviary dome, the pterosaurs wouldn't have gotten out, meaning no massacre of innocent tourists and subsequent lawsuits, and no death of the park owner and subsequent takeover of a warmonger obsessed with using the raptors as weapons.


5:47 Seriously? Is he counting to three?πŸ˜‚


What kills me when they're in the cage and are told the dinosaur is in the cage with them, the two idiots start running deeper into the cage instead going straight to the door. Then they see the dinosaur and decide to run back  toward the door. Wow just wow. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


she really was an awesome dino, the best part of her design is that she wasn't some lazy hybridized concept she and her son the Indoraptor looked like a speculative evolution species akin to the dinosaurs in King Kong 2005


7:39 - T-Rex Vs 7:41 - Indominus-Rex!
❀ I love the roars!


Indominus Rex had crackhead energy.


4:56 literally got a maccas ad right there. Perfect timing.