You blurred your kids faces but not the faces of the random school children???? Did they agree to be in the video? 😂😂
Everyone is focused on the lack of modesty in her clothing choices but ignoring the fact that it probably would not be very difficult to find this school and there are very sick people online and this is just extremely out of line to post publicly. This child wanted freedom to have her own, normal childhood and now her safety could be at risk because those responsible for her wellbeing felt the need to share it online to a large audience of strangers.. aand that’s enough internet for today. If you choose to be an influencer, pop off. Don’t take that choice away from your children. You posted this video seeking praise in your parenting choice to allow your daughter to decide this for herself whilst ultimately making it about you and your platform by doing so. I will not praise that parenting choice. Good day.
It’s crazy that the kids are blurred but strangers kids aren’t
That outfit for school is crazy
Im sorry, I'm not buying this. You homeschooled her because you pulled her out in the middle of the year to move. And Hawaii has very strict homeschooling laws. You live in a very affluent part of the island, so of course her school will be a safer environment for her to go to as opposed to schools in Waipahu or Pearl City. Overall it is indeed easier to send them to conventional school. How do I know? I live in Hawaii and I homeschool my kids. I just wish this page was honest.
Let’s stop normalising wearing gym wear for day to day living, it’s so inappropriate for outside the gym let alone for school drop offs.
You're outfit looks like something Hilk Hogan would wear.
The end with the nipple in my face was an interesting choice
Sorry but what are you wearing?
That spandex outfit is awkward.
Did someone steal your pants?
Why the hell are you wearing that
I don’t love that she blurred her kids face but not all the others kids faces
All these people homeschooling are doing it for ego because it's trendy. Children need exposure to rules, structure, and other viewpoints and learn through interacting with other children. Plus, parents are hardly qualified to teach.
Wearing that to school is just for attention from married men and to make the other moms jealous. Narcissistic behavior
Bro why are you wearing that at a school lol
A 1 piece spandex 'outfit' is not appropriate to wear in school setting and around other people's kid's. Also there was no need for it to be up your butt. People wear this knowing damn well they would've been embarrassed if their parent showed up to school wearing that. Smh. Im annoyed at people dressing like strippers while simultaneously trying to creat 'wholesome' content
yeah, this isn’t an appropriate outfit for school drop off. just because you’re ok with your children seeing you in revealing clothing doesn’t mean other parents are okay with it. it’s not like you wore this to the club or something. in that case go for it I guess. but when children are involved, you should probably reconsider.. & for everyone saying it’s hot, I live in one of the hottest most humid states and I never see anyone dressed like this especially not at a SCHOOL!!! at least put a tee on over it or something before going in the school. I’m sorry but I can’t.
This is sad… i hope these influencers stop with this horrible fashion, sexualizing themselves for clicks and damaging their kids.