Oh man - the recap I NEEDED! Stellar job pulling together all the threads and taking me down a trip through memory lane. Feel like I'm going to appreciate the new movie a lot more now that all the context has been re-uploaded to my brain!
Excellent work as always. Thank you MOR. "MOR probably won't be in Brave New World, but he can be found on YouTube".
Great to see 5,000 shows condensed into three minutes of briefing! The predictions sound fairly spot on, ut I wonder whether there'll need to be a recap reshoot once we've all actually seen the film...
Love that this recap is not ten minutes long,😅thank you
The recap before the next Avengers movie: your greatest test yet
Thanks for the recaps. I can't keep up with these superhero movies.
great recap as always looking forward to seeing the red hulk
Thanks for the quick recap, I'll send this to my Ma who usually doesn't pay as close attention to all things Marvel like I do - once my phone charges.
Man you saved me once again!! I literally had no clue what was happening for the first 3 mins. of the movie! Thank you for this!!!
Thank you so much, you have no idea how much these help me keep up! You are amazing! ❤
Thank you for saving me the time of watching these
The Sokovia Accords did more harm than good as we saw in Infinity War where due to Sokovia Accords The Avengers lost because they were divided!!!!
Thanks, bro! Sitting in my car waiting to see it in 3D with D-Box and XD audio. Appreciate the recap as I never saw Eternals and didn't pick up that Harrison Ford was the former general.
Your recaps are always amazing!
A new mic, sounds amazing, and Love the video
You do recaps so well man do you think you can do a recap for the Rookie tv series seasons 1 through 6 ?
Thank god, my prayers have been answered!
Great recaps! Thank you
ily man of recaps