A “Blade the daywalker vs horror character” would be so badass
I love the "Van Helsing" werewolf. I love the CGI. I love the design. Just everything. Even the first transformation
Agreed with all, but Predator probably wins low diff because of it's weapons and gadgets that it has
Van Helsing is in the form of a werewolf, he takes out everyone here light, he defeated Dracula, who could move anywhere in a second, he literally sends all these maniacs to the knockout, and besides, ordinary people defeated all these maniacs, and people couldn't even get to Dracula
The clip Art the Clown holding the gun goes unreasonably hard
Durability - for Van. The werewolf form has an almost instantaneous regeneration, due to which the Predator's attacks will be useless, apart from some of his gadgets. In addition, he has a huge pain threshold and immunity to electricity. Skill is also Van. The shape of the werewolf allows him to jump much higher than the Predator, give him superhuman strength, for example, bend iron bars, or lift huge objects that a few people would not be able to handle. Also, Werewolves have great agility and dexterity, which is why a predator will not be able to really hit him. HAX is also Van. The parameters described above, in terms of regeneration type and pain threshold, the predator weapon will be useless against Van. Van won, ultra diff
Ate hoje em dia não existiu um lobisomem mais bonito do que o de Van Helsing nos filmes
🔥. Van helsing is one of my childhood favorites. Despite being a 2004 movie it had amazing cgi and yeah van helsing in his werewolf form >> horror characters 🔥
The left hand of God Gabriel Vanhelsing won the best edit I have ever seen lad, my respects toward you
"Predator vs horror characters" would be epic
Agreed with all, great edit. I love predator and van helsing but I feel like honestly van helsing could probably win
van helsing is literally the archangel gabriel all creatures would not come close to van's heels
I love how Van Helsing's Werewolf form and The Predator were basically roaring at each other like: Predator: "FINALLY! A WORTHY HUNT!" VH Werewolf: "COME HERE AND TRY ME!"
Cool edit bro
Van Helsing was such a great movie.
Helsing takes durability by a long shot against the Predator, and unless it's in a wide open area at range, he rips the predator apart. He's almost unkillable.
This edit goes really hard tbh awesome work
We keep forgetting that werewolves are supernatural creatures. Van helsing's wolf will the predator apart
Van helsing vs predator 1987: Strenght/DC: Van helsing AP/ofense/defense: predator Speed/combat speed/agility/reaction/feats: van helsing Running speed/flexibility:predator Skills/Versatility/dexterity/combat/strategy:predator Endurance/stamina/power: van helsing Durability/abilities/hax: predator IQ/knowledge/battle iq/experience/battle experience:predator Weapons/Tech/gadgets:predator Outcome: Predator 1987 low mid diff