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If you see vegetation moving in a garden, it's one of two forces of nature... either the wind or it's George! That's a tremendous job you've done for this lady.


You really have to be paid a big compliment about how willing you are to help again and again and how you don't shy away from physically difficult work just to help other people. I sometimes think to myself, hopefully you also have people around you who will help you and have your back.
Very nice video, nice music and they have created a basic prerequisite for redesigning the garden, I think it's great


Привет из России! Очень люблю вас смотреть,  ваше видео стараюсь не пропускать. Какой же вы молодец, свою работу делаете на отлично.


Your kindness is great and your work is always so good 👍 Thank you for helping people and entertaining your fans ❤️ Have a lovely weekend🌞


🤦Матерь Божья!!! Сколько же здесь мусора?! Джордж, такие участки только для тебя, только ты можешь навести идеальный порядок в этом дворе. Музыка отличная🎶🎶, видео супер, ставлю миллион лайков 👍. Ты молодец Джордж, самый лучший, многим блогерам с таким контентом как у тебя, до твоего уровня очень и очень далеко..... Как всегда работа высший класс 👍 С уважением к тебе и твоей работе Елена 😉🤗🫶


George is tidying up Hobart, one property at a time. Thank you, George, for showing us how it is done. Thank you for working hard for people who need someone to help them.


Contributing to the masseuse fund upon completion of this incredible property clean up.  💪❤👍


Looks like a completely different property! Thanks for helping this person out.  Don't blame you on the back yard.


George this front yard turned out so nice.  So much brighter (and cleaner) and more cheerful.  You have a good heart my friend, thank you for being you.  Hope this finds you happy and healthy.  See you next time! :virtualhug:


Great work and help but I always wonder why people accumulate so much trash? Fortunately, they find people like you who are willing to help them! Congratulations George👏!


There is just so many blackberry bushes one man can handle!! I think you have reached your quota for awhile. 😀💯 Great job George!! Every week you just keep killing it.


The chickens  must have turned  up as Sunday's  roast!!  Once again  George,  you have  defeated another unruly  property.  I'll  have a beer for you.


Hello again from Georgia ❤🎉

Well another disaster made beautiful again a miracle from George!! 💕 

I find myself at times getting upset with people letting their yard's/ gardens become a dumping ground of trash, junk, storage , extremely overgrown but again we never know fully what people are going through or have been through and alot of people don't like yardwork. I love it.

Also without the apocalypse yards we wouldn't get to witness the amazing videos and transformations so thank you George for your service and hard work, time, care, giving sprit ❤🎉😊.

You are a wonderful person and truly a gift to so many and it's a pleasure to watch your channel 😊.

There is hope in the world for sure. I hope all these transformations you do the people don't let it get back to apocalypse look in their yards lol . 

Take Care 💓🎉👍🥇🏅⭐💥🌟💪🏆


Great job.  I believe in the rule that if you are not a gardener or can’t physically take care of a garden then keep it simple and remove all the “bits and pieces” so it is easy and cheap to mow and trim.


George you are an Angel 😇 for helping the people who need it so much. Well done🥇⭐️🫶🌹your transformations always look fantastic👍👏👏🌹🥂


Enormous enormous job!!!! Amazing work George!!!! Congratulations on completing this impossible project!!!!!!!


Thanks George, You are an amazing person, Dont ever change..Stay Safe from your neighbour...❤️🙏👍🤗


That was an incredible act of kindness. I watched all three episodes. You said you wanted to help her. I think you changed her life. No one else cared the way you did. The yard looks amazing.


What a huge burden you have lifted from this homeowner! You must feel especially satisfied about this transformation, and the postman must be singing your praises as well! Truly amazing outcome George💚🍃🌱🌿