
The truth is, the act of giving without expectations of any returns makes a person whole.


As a South African one of my prayers is for Jews to realize that the Messiah came, He was Jesus and will return again to fetch His church!


One does not have to be religious to be kind.  Any decent human being can be kind like the Good Samaritan.


Most challenging is forgiveness


We are taught to make money.
They are taught to get money.
Big difference.


PLEASE have MR SOLOMON BACK  Yall make a """lovely to listen to"""team  :hand-pink-waving:


I love 🇮🇱. Standing for Israel in South Africa.  Got suspended again from X because of it.


Mr Solomon, please listen to Amir Tsarfati who is an Israeli, he can explain to you how prophecy in Daniel reveals that the Messiah has come, but He will come again, but this time as judge. The time for grace is running out, please listen to Amir Tsarfati if you want to know the truth.


They also say Charity starts at home, we have this government which we've given our lives and livelihood to with zero reciprocation, just more attacks and taking of more.


You don't bargain with the devil.


This discussion made me think about the similarities between Afrikaners and Jewish people. Like Jewish people, Afrikaners are also successful and have a strong tie to their religion. Also, these days, sadly, Afrikaners are also hated for simply being Afrikaners. Perhaps that is why we feel so strong in our support of Israel. Interesting thought provoking discussion, thanks for sharing Byron.


WOW MR  SOLOMON SIR,  thanks for sharing about your relationship with THE ALMIGHTY GOD.  SO lovely listening to you        ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤✡❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Actually , Africans and Latinos are very similar.  Family-oriented,  BBQs and gatherings, loud, fruendly, religious, work hard party harder.


Great shows BYRON....


LOVE Berel He's great!


Great guest.


As an ex South African but frequent visitor to SA, I view this with great sadness. Watching self-destruction and self-implosion in slow motion.




lol I have never seen a Jew sweating let alone bleeding from work 😂


Thanks Byron, that was very interesting