
I really want to ride in that C-17 😂😂😂


Never in a million years would I have thought I'd see a collab with Tyler perry, this is freaking awesome


What an amazing day!! It was a pleasure to meet you all.


Tyler Perry does not only own the most beautiful collection of RC planes on this planet, he is a great pilot and seems to be a very likable guy! Fantastic that you could arrange this meeting, Cleetus. You are living the dream! Great!


This is such an all American video. I already respected Tyler Perry but the guts,nerves, and skill it takes to fly those world class RC's is the real deal. I love everyone in RC and it makes me happy to know Ty;er Perry is one of us bigtime. My ultimate goal would be to work my way up to flying RC jet powered kits. Iowned a jet for about 5 years and sold it because it was literally a hanger queen because I didn't have the skill level yet. What a joy to watch. Thank you to Cleetus and friends and especially Tyler for sharing that with those of us in the hobby. What a joy. Thank you Ramy for doing what you do. You are an artist.


Respect to Tyler Perry for hosting and being so genuine.  Thank you Cleetus for doing this!




What sets Cleetus apart from others is his demeanor,  he really does just put others at ease and I have never seen him intimidated or nervous around anyone... nice episode!


The fact that Tyler Perry is into RC planes gives me a whole new respect for the man.


What a day!!!! So much fun Cleet!
Thank you so much for bringing me along!


Tyler Perry flying a huge RC plane with Cleet was NOT what I was expecting to watch when I woke up for todays month of freedom episode, yet here we are, brother! Hell, yea!!


I've been eagerly awaiting this video since Ramy posted this on his Instagram! Ramy's builds are INCREDIBLE!! Huge props to Tyler allowing this, but also SO sooooo cool that all the RC plane enthusiasts were able to come along too. Cleet, you're the mesh that bonds these things together and networks people together that would never meet otherwise and you allow us mere plebs to view it all. Thank you so much!


Ramy's "Thank you sir" to Tylers "This is all Ramy's brilliance" was so wholesome.


this was so enjoyable to watch, just some dudes hanging out playing with some amazing toys


Alright, cleet is reaching a new level of fame. Wild collab


Omg this was so amazing that you did a collaboration with Tyler Perry. Cleetus and George so much fun watching you guys have such a great time. Tyler Perry was such a gracious person to have you at his place.


Thank You Tyler Perry for inviting to see your Field..
Ramy...Hats Off Brotha..
Cleetus and Fantastic Pilots, ...Freaking  Awesome...


Thank you Tyler Perry for sharing your place!! amazing planes and nice flying!!


12:34 That's what she said 😂😂😂 what a wild collab


George: "Holy F..sh..smokes" Instantly dead xD