
I love hearing this broken down on acoustic guitar. It really helps me pick apart the differences in the chords. I've been scared of diminished chords for a very long time and this is really helping me understand the value of them


Thanks for the breakdown of this song. It´s great to really understand the storytelling on the musical side. The nonverbal part is so underated.


Yes! Thank you for elaborating on writing from "emotional truth rather than factional truth!" I've overlooked so much inspiration over the years by limiting myself to strictly autobiographical/historical truth.


Bravo, Keppie. Happy Christmas 🙂


She's written 15 albums and counting, 18 number ones, 28 top ten songs, and is the 33rd woman inducted into The Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2022, mixing opera into Hip Hop and Pop like its nothing. The Woman is underrated!


Interesting story of the song, thanks for sharing behind that. Sounds similiar to what happened to Ronnie Spector. The chord progressions on guitar were fascinating, especially the minor 4th.


I’ve been watching your videos for so long and FINALLY you guys have acknowledged my favorite songwriter and her genius! Mariah Carey is a very underrated songwriter and musician in the mainstream her musicality and creativity is boundless


I appreciate your knowledge here, and I appreciate your vocals as well and your guitar playing skills!


I love this commentary and enjoyed the country and western twang with just the guitar!

It’s such a beautiful song I love it no matter who’s singing  it.


This was wonderful and very timely. I am working on the music of a song about a tough topic, but using an upbeat melody. I'm self taught (over the Covid in-home period of our lives), so I "found" some of those chords to add tension, but now I know why I chose what I chose. And this really makes me appreciate the heartache Mariah put into the piece. New subscriber. I appreciate you.


fascinating breakdown. i've always loved singing that 'dissonant' note but never analyzed it to recognize the tri-tone in relation to the chord


Very thoughtful and helpful analysis, as usual. The discussion of the iv6 chord was really interesting. Thanks for another great video!


Just subscribed..I love your approach to analysing songwriting both in terms of music knowledge and emotional feelings


I’m actually finishing a Christmas song right now and the harmonies are constantly changing from major to minor and from minor to major. I rarely start with chords, but I usually have a pretty good idea of the tonality I want. The chords will reveal themselves later.


Wow such an amazing account! So blessed to find you!


This is the best video of its kind that I have seen great simple analysis that I will be applying in my songwriting


Your channel is so inspiring thank you so much! I was wondering though how you make sounds you like. I feel like my songs are never up to par with the songs I like. I also feel like my songs sometimes are unoriginal and copies of songs. Maybe you could make a video about these things, if not could I possibly get some help? Love the channel, thank you so much!


Freakn great video. Fascinating history tidbits. Fascinating songwriting bits, and fun, solid delivery . Thank you


very cool indeed,thank you for that Teacher,I prob.would have never looked at that song that close.


Your voice is naturally honest and real.Great.
The IV minor 6 chord appears in Space Man too, I think.But in Carey's song the sung tritone just rocks it.
I get confused between the secondary dominant of E minor  
And the Harmonic Minor V...