
The team should be fully back next video!
Hopefully the goldmine can recover today's huge expense!


Spencer is on vacation because he deserves it after all his videos he made lots of videos and he deserves a well vacation i can’t wait until the team comes back together 😊


First great channel need Spencer back


There should be a flatbed truck for goods and towing


Hi Garrett!
Great video as always! ❀
Great Job! πŸ‘


Love your videos spencer keep it up


Whoa that is massive


Another incredible job bud.


Awesome video keep up the great work


Hi Garrett did you try putting the yellow trailer on the red rock truck


Great videos! keep it up


Please change the water train maybe for a water trailer it’s not worth it dosent look good..

Also when are the FS25 series coming 🚜


Love the videos Spencer


Make a 25 flat map on fs 25


Thank you i'm a big fan


Hi Garrett maybe get a 
Nother big trailer or a nother dump trailer like orkel tx 130 so you can put that behind the small yellow dump truck


Keep it up


God I love your videos spenser I never miss a single one


I have subscribed to you a couple months ago I love you


You should also have other employees