
She claims he invaded her privacy and she went berserk, and yet she was potentially committing a crime here depending on the young man's age. Her parent's reaction also explains a lot. She was clearly spoiled and entitled from an early age and is in part why she was behaving like this. The only mistake he made was not to take out restraining orders on her and her parents, and also to sue her and her parents for emotional abuse, issuing threats and even blackmail. They are clearly all complete and utter scumbags and I would absolutely stand in her way if she even attempted to get another job coaching young people.


How messed up that someone that is supposed to be in a position to protect and teach, takes advantage of much younger men. If the rolls were reversed and it was an older man and much younger women, thereā€™d be more calls for stricter punishments


Why tip her off? This is criminal behavior. This guy was a total simp


If it was me and the kid was over 18 I would have gathered all the same evidence but not submit it to the school board. I would have just divorced her and let her know I had this evidence if she tries to come for me financially. It still sucks and maybe I would later submit it after the divorce. But I think winning is better than revenge most of the time