
Lots of variety very nice trucks 🎉🎉


I love big lot at auction 😊


You got some really good things!


Nice vintage tin windup toy


I love the rocks the rocks at 2.50 is very good price i love to had them 2 if i took all


I loved buying from caring transitions in Boise! I have wonderful things including huge bronze statues


Some very good money on comics


Sometimes the best stuff in basement at estate


I would love to had jewelry and mad comics


Shells can do very good on what not


I would loved to had knives i want to be the frist here for part 2


Did you just walk past that Peanuts album? 😮😢


Somethings i believe do very good money on eBay what not or online


I love to  bundle or buy bulk


Photos 20 i take very good price


It's like the thing alter boys would extinguish candles eith


Gemsbok candle snuffer.


Where will you sell the pewter hippos?


Beethoven copper


May the Lord Jesus Bless your Auction