Palpatine was not even friendly with Vader, and the latter relied on Palpatine as his master and only colleague. This video makes you think for Anakin deep within Vader
He just got tired of Vader always whining about Padamommy or Panda Bear or whatever the hell her name was,
Palpatine truly does not give an f
Palpatine really was the epitome of evil... A lot of villains both fictional and factual at least have some facets that make them a bit human or parts of their personality you can relate to or understand . Palpatine is literally just rotten to his very core he even murdered his own parents ffs.
Well, that's what you get when you choose to serve a Dark Lord.
Intro killed my ear drums 😖😖
I for one think Vader would have basically lost he's shit with Palpatine....he's rage would be too great, even if it would cost him he's life in a physical confrontation with the Palpatine. That's what eventually happened in ROTJ. But I feel it should have been much much earlier.
The boy 👦🏻 you trained gone is he,consumed by the darkness.🎉
Darth Crybaby