
What a disgrace. There were 10 seconds left in the first round when the bell sounded. Third round Dubois hit Lerena after the bell and the referee decides to stop the fight


Ref almost took walked right into that last overthrown right hook


Wtf happened, was it destiny that Daniel loses. Because that was some mysterious shit


Да блин он сам падал такое чувство , а не от потрясения


And now Dubois has pulled out


I remember this fight. What a robbery that was. Very sus


Bro threw a nice 3 punch combination after the bell to get that KO lmao, straight bs imo and Duboi made me a fan after that crazy fight against AJ so this isn’t even coming from a place of hate. Boxing is such a dirty game man


Why didn't Lerena let his left go anymore after the knockdowns?  What was he waiting for?


Terrible call


I thought that a fight is finished after the 3rd KO in the same round.