There are thing that are suppose to come to light.also there are going to be a lot of lie and truth's.we have to pray for God to guide us in the truth
I rebuke you Satan
I believe it glory be to God amen 🙏
This is important because Revelation 13 is what they talk about!!
I rebuke Satan and All his demons I declare in Jesus name Amen
To give some advice no human being should ever try to dig in that place or try to discover anything or something just leave it the way it is or they will be cheos
May God be with us all and protect us with his love in Jesus name I say amen ❤🙏
All will be revealed yet not all will repent.
Actually people have been in that hole and there is nothing at the bottom just some cave formations.
Hopefully someone has thought of using a drone so we can have a good look inside and see if we can hear or see anything interesting
Saint Michael, the archangel defendants in battle b. E our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil? May God rebuke him. We humbly pray and do thou o Prince of the heavenly host by the power of God cast in the hell, satan and all the evil spirits. They're proud about the world seeking the root of souls. Amen lord you are my savior
Please do a video, if possible, about what Angel REALLY LOOK LIKE. I've been told that they do not look like what most know as Angels. They don't look evil. Just not what we've been told. Ty
It's open... So Azazel may have been released 😮😮
In Hebrew, we use azazel as a bad word
Bless the all high lord
It was he and his cohorts who distorted humanity... Hilltop mankind how to make weapons and go to war, and you would have thought that Divine beings had more intelligence than humans yet they show that wasn't the case because they rebelled against God's authority. He got exactly what he deserves for breaking off with the Almighty, there was a divine power that holds him in place by which no scientific instrument can detect and analyze.
Since i was born i have seen this hole in dreams and in flash visions of it with fire and sooʻo many people looking like dark shadows around it like a inner circle of fire and outer circle if shadows souls who lost the oil in the lamp of the hearts of virgins who lost faith in their one selfs to cause mankind to lose our faith and trust in the creator of truth and harmorny of life
It's more like an Abyss 😢
Yes jesus myGod save me