Just a little bit of information for y’all. That “scream” y’all heard at around 07:36 wasn’t a scream. That was the sound of a mountain lion. Y’all should look up mountain lion screams at night/during the day. It’s very cool! Great addition to the video thank you!! 👍🏼
I Love This! I'm going to have this playing on my phone while we sleep tonight!
Sehr angenehmes Video ❤❤❤
Truly a beautiful picture and a ⛺🔥😍
Hello From San Francisco 🌊🔥🔥🌊
Nice survival fire. Something to get warm and keep the dew off, cook and light. No muss, no fuss.
Very Nice. Thank You. Will be tuning in for future Live Streams.
Worked perfectly 🎃👻
i can see this as a great atmosphere for a d&d campaign
I'm writting a script for un short film and that's video is perfect for it. Thanks!
I would really love this and it would be perfect if it did not have the constant thundering heartbeat over the top. I know you're going for 'Halloween Ambiance' but how about owl sounds, crow sounds, wind whistling, etc., instead?
I wish you had a Bigfoot howling off in the distance. :O Great chennel.
This is so cool I did a video on my shopkins a Halloween video when a vampire pony takes the shopkins at night and I’d did bird sounds when it’s morning and I put notes on their chairs that said I took cookie nut and the other one I was here and then the shopkins realize it’s all a prank because the vampire pony was their and they can’t make sounds but the vampire pony only can smell it can’t see but I don’t have a yt channel this is my uncles account and I will do this again on Halloween night! Thanks! For it :D
Very creepy like a old civil war battlefield at night. Good job.
happy halloween
Very nice! 👻 ☠️ 💀
i have this as an animated wallpaper and i swear everytime i hear the footsteps i see something in the corner when im not looking directly at the monitor
Woke up out of a dead sleep when I heard the you know what!!