
I love this. She healed herself alone in 2 months, without going to an event, and she didn't have any mystical experience. So simple and powerful. Thank you for sharing this story.


I was equally perplexed as to why and how Shauna, who is so health-conscious, could develop cancer.  At the 3:39 point, Shauna provided a clue.  She stated she "was so scared her whole life of cancer".  Remember that you are attracted to what you fear.  This goes along with; you cannot have what you want.  Your statement of want, affirms your present state of without.  We strive to learn how to be consciously aware of our thoughts.  This is not an easy task because of the way we were brought up to think. Jesus said, "Do not be afraid".  Nobody should live in a state of fear and since we are the creators of our reality, fear should not be a part of our reality.  Thank you for sharing your testimony and the lessons learned with us.


Congratulations from one Dr Joe terminal cancer survivor to another 💕
They found the cancer too late and this work was my only hope that made sense.
I did the online progressive and was also clear within a matter of months and remain so 8 years later.  I was fortunate enough to attend an Advanced retreat in London two years ago where more magic happened in other areas of my life.  This stuff works!


Just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. This was great to hear!


Monique is also my role model! I look up so much to her and I have her diagnoses, too! In fact, a week ago, I did a coherence healing as a healee and she was a healer. I immediately had to write her in private in the zoom chat, telling her how much I love her and that I have busy boobs. She answered: You HAD busy boobs. I fainted. 
I am so happy for you. Maybe I should meditate twice a day, too. So far, only one longer meditation daily. Love your testimonial, enjoy your life and your conversations with God!


We can HEAL ourselves! ❤❤


All I can say is we create our lives! This lady is truly a testament to that!!


I knew right away, you were gonna say Monique, because her story is one of the most beautiful, memorable stories that have affected me even though my diagnosis is completely different, it is not even a Cancer. So, thank you both.


I CAN'T WAIT to get to a retreat. I think about it all the time. I visualize it in every meditation. Thank you so much for this work Dr Joe


Thank you, thank you, thank you thank you, thank you! Are you were ago I got diagnosed with cervical cancer, and I didn't want to go the medical model route with the chemo and radiation, even though my oncologist recommended it… For many reasons… And so for a year I tried all sorts of different alternative treatments, and then got another pet scan, and it was slightly worse, but not alarming Lee… And that's where I am now, and I realize that I also want to be a part of this healing community. I want us as a society to know that our body knows how to heal itself… So thank you for sharing this. I am not recommending that. Anybody else does anything differently I know it's a very individual choice, but my choice is to be super dedicated to my own healing and the way I think and that I need a total overhaul body and soul… And thank God I have found Dr. Joe and also RJ spinner… Much love to y'all❤🎉


Wow... what a powerful testimony... amidst all the deep fears and worries and all the spread of cancer and fear, she remembered that she is the creator of her own life. WOW! Had to change her own mind, to know that this healing was actually possible... this is SO powerful!! The incredible light of truth of these testimonies and this community... and the healing that we share with each other. Thank you for this beautiful story of healing that will surely now inspire another person who needs to know that this is truly possible...❤️


Dear Shauna, I can relate a bit. I was at skeleton scintigraphy a month ago. When the technician came out and said that the doctors had decided that I needed a PET/CT scan, I got a panic attack in the waiting room. I have a different health problem, but I understand your fear. I congratulate you for your diligent work!


I have always lived a very healthy and active life so I was shocked to find out, in my friend circle, not one of my couch sitting, junk food eating friends got cancer but me.  In my mind getting cancer was impossible becuase of my lifestyle but here I am dealing with stage IIB grade III breast cancer.  I pray one day I will become a real life modern miracle to those who suffer from breast cancer, to give them hope and comfort.


Thank you for sharing your story. I feel like I am where you were when you found the testimonial from Monique while scrolling your YouTube. Your message was just what I was seeking.


Just as Monique's story had a profound impact on Shauna, Shauna's story is having a profound impact on me as well as many others.  Thank you for sharing.  Many blessings to you and Dr. Joe Dispenza.


2 months 😮 you’re my hero ❤


Love your testimonial! I met Monique in SD in 2022. She’s amazing. I have cancer too and use these videos to keep my energy up! Thank you for sharing!


Really brings a tear to my eye, I tell myself now "I am making healthy decisions"   and I've been slowly feeling better.  I will build on it. Because i love myself. And I am the master of my destiny.


Incredibly inspirational.  We can heal with just our mind and our body.  As a person stuck in 'fix it' this is freeing to know we don't have to look outside for a fix to change something in our body.


You are such a beautiful soul. Thank you so much for your testimony. Will immensely help a huge quantity of people. 🙏🙏🙏🙏