I love how Kyle isn’t just a self insert and I also love how he has some streaks of white in his hair to show how old he is
We need Kyle part 3. The world needs it.
This is just….AMAZING! Kyle literally went from being one of the Godzilla Vs Monkey series character! To having his OWN series! Which is absolutely AMAZING!
I really do love how Kyle was just a side character and now has his whole entire series
Why can I picture the full series put together to be a Hollywood production? You're just that good in my eyes, I guess. Amazing as ever!
Brian being the best character for 6 minutes and 7 seconds
Brian: it's the blue terror! The demon lizard! Blue terror: (cute noise)
4:54 this scene is instant classic
BEST EPISODE EVER. Let’s get ready for part 3 Let there be KYLE!!!❤❤ #Kylefanclub
This is one of the best spin-off shows ever, I’m excited for part 3
Great work Jeff, as a fellow Brian, I like what you’re doing with this series so far, keep up the good work 💀
Loving the classic velociraptor noises for when the blue terror roars.
Damn, this was amazing! 😃 I even laughed at the blue dinosaur running into the skeletons 😂 This was great, can’t wait for the next episode!👍
Episode 3 is going to be sick! This series is giving me Mandalorian and Andor vibes.
Episode 2 of Kyle is great especially his fave reveal, and did anyone else see Shmoopie in the cave paintings.
The animation and the plot is like it is from an actual studio! Keep up the great work. Can't wait for the next episode!
Can't wait this series has been amazing so far!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Looking forward to Kyle episode three! This series is lookin like a ride!