
This is sick


They do this to their own , imagine the disdain they feel for all the rest of the world …


What's the point of fining poor people with high fines when they can hardly afford to eat.


So if you don't pay the fine, would you get sent to prison where guy might get fed regularly? Oh wait, Chinese prison....maybe guy won't get out alive


Sad to see people hurt it's own people , if the government acts poorly the people will do the same.


A bit hard to call the police when it is the police stealing from you


Trying to get blood from a stone!!
And when you have no population left.
Who will you tax then?
Starvation is already happening.


CCP continuing the proud tradition from taking food from starving farmers to export for the cadres to enjoy


I get that safety regulations needs to be followed but most of the fines seems too much.




What's the point of the peasants having without money after being fined?


Travel to Norman, Oklahoma we have work !


Outrageous lying..any bs can be said with evidence