
DFACS attorney making $55k a year down here is insane.


$56k for a seasonal job sounds good! They work somewhere else in the off season and chill


It's crazy that I only work about 15 or so hours a week and make as much or more than these people working 40+ hours. I have my own business but I just flip things on the internet so it's not that hard.  :body-blue-raised-arms:  Today I'll work about 30-40 minutes and make $215. Some days it's way more and some days it's a few dollars less. Tomorrow so far I will work about the same and make $250 and by then I might have a few more sales so my pay could double or triple. The companies that are making record profits need to give some to the normal working guy so the small businesses can stay afloat.


I appreciate the optimism from some people in the video, but the reality of compensation in the U.S. is downright frustrating. It feels like: some people genuinely don’t know any better, others on the outside are gatekeeping and staying silent to protect their bag, and then there’s a disturbing level of complacency from both employers and employees. Employees: Ask for more. Employers: do better. 

How is it remotely acceptable that paramedics—who literally save lives—are making just $50K-$60K a year? That’s insane for the level of skill, responsibility, and stress they endure. My hot take? The baseline for most of these essential jobs should be at least $80K-$100K. And meanwhile—people!—there are tech sales bros coasting through their day, doing mediocre work, and making anywhere from 2 to 10 times as much as the people actually keeping society functional. Like, how does that make sense?

How is this country supposed to improve when wages remain this stagnant? How are towns and cities supposed to develop and thrive when the people holding everything together are barely scraping by? The math just doesn’t add up. end rant


How can I add my salary to the database? I took the quiz as well. Thank you and I like the channel as well.


Not seeing a lot of why they're the best jobs lol..seems folks are generally bummed that their salaries are not adequate