
You are gonna die one day. You better ACHIEVE all your goals using ATTACK MODE now: https://gangstaphilosophy.com

Attack Mode is a complete system that will make you destroy any and every goals you have from the get go. This holistic system focusses on multiplying your success, intelligence, and good looks from the very start. It is filled with practical productivity tools and guides that DO NOT EXIST in the market anywhere else. This is a product you do not want to be waiting on. Invest NOW and reap benefits of it from NOW til the day you die. Buy ATTACK MODE: https://gangstaphilosophy.com


This has to be the most important video out there for young men


Premanand Maharaj ji is absolutely right.


He is blessing for youth generation ❤🌸


I request you to continue explaining the words of Maharaj Ji in more videos so that more people can learn about it who otherwise won't watch satsang videos


didn't fapped for 3 years now, I got mental clarity, clear skin, good memory, muscular body.  I used to do alot back then but Salil Jamdar advise changed my life.


Sir, I am suffering from diagnosed multiple mental disorder and I am on medication for last 3.5 years...I scored 613/720 in NEET 2024 but couldn't get into med clg due to increase in the cutoff...I have my NEET exam on 4th may 2025 and I have 3 months left...just came across your video as I listen Premanand Maharaj's satsang at night due to insomnia to avoid overthinking at night and youtube suggested your vdo today...I have decided to follow ATTACK MODE from this very moment...thank u sir for this amazing channel...will comment daily...please make more video for health illness such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, claustrophobia,OCD,  agarophobia....thank u sir


Premanand ji maharaj  is a real santt ! A rare find for our generation ❤


1 Hour of Workout 
6 Hours of Work (Government)
2 Hours of Research 
3 Hours of Study For Self Improvement 

Killing It Brother 🔥💪


Studied for 2_3 hrs, worked for my personality, skin care, trying to monitor my emotional health and getting back to my carrier after end of 7years old relationship and trying to moveon in life after two major losses


What a critical analysis Shwetabh. Really appreciate the type of content you are providing . Thank you


So good to see the yound generation are inclined towards your video ... I am 30 and earning decent but was too relaxed with mu life , hustle stopped . But I got really motivated listening to you and have started a side hustle to expand my boundaries now . Keep making such good content Shwetabh.


Shwetabh sir , I had aimed to achieve an SGPA of 8+ in my engineering, but I was stuck at 7. However, this semester, I finally scored 8.8! Thank you for your motivation—your 
attack mode strategy helped me a lot!


after commenting to your previous video, i gained a lot of confidence and i actually studied...
I solved 200 mcqs combining physics and chemistry and 140 mcqs of computer science..
and, i really felt a bit confident, THANK YOU!!


Attack Mode:
1. Did my own meal prep (not inflammatory coz of pcos)
2. 2hr Sanskrit reading n revision 
3. 1h Geography notes + reading 
4. 30min MCQ test


I was terminated by my company on January 2. Recently, I failed in two interviews in a row. In a time when opportunities are scarce, I got a chance but couldn’t make it. Feeling a little low, but yeah, I’ll try to come back.❤


Aaj behen ne foda hai 😎 
Aaj 8/8. Task completed
Physics 5 hrs 
Chem. 3 hrs 
Biology 5 hrs 
PE for 2 hrs 
Exerice for an hour 
Steps 5500
Slept for 6-7 hrs 
Woke up at 4.30 am


11:14 Speaking from personal experience. Last year, around January, I had light fever for a month. I was ignoring it for a long time as I lived away from home and I didn't wanted to go back for minor inconvenience. One day I woke up and felt small bumps on my body. Two around neck and one on lower abdomen. Went home and consulted the best dr in town. He examined me hardly for 5 minutes and wrote a FNA biopsy. My parents were shocked as it's mostly done in cases of cancer. We rushed to another doctor in different city and he diagnosed me with Chikungunya, prescribed meds for 2 weeks and I recovered soon. The bumps disappeared in a month. This experience made me believe in second opinions especially in medical sector.


absolute perfect video with eye opening prospective thankyou for this great advice


great timing! i am starting bhramaycharya!!!!