
That was my experience in Egypt. I was there for 2 months and the nagging never ended. I got in the habit of just completely ignoring people and never making any eye contact. If someone was trying to talk to me, I would look away and keep walking. They are not "bad" people. They just have no other way of making a living because the entire country is corrupt from the bottom to the top.


If you go to Egypt, this is my advice. I’ve been there 4 times. 
1) when you go to tourist locations, ignore everyone selling things to you. 
2) try and go with an organised tour rather than trying to explore the country by yourself. 
3) don’t listen to anyone that isn’t behind a counter or desk 
4) go with an Egyptian friend if you have one.


I experienced same thing 16 years when I visited Egypt. However not all egyptians are like that. I will forever remember an honest egyptian and his wife who helped me and my family when we were trapped in elevator.  They did not ask for any money despite being poor. I will always pray for this man and his family for their help and kindness.


I had my passport taken hostage in Cairo too at a travel shop.  I literally leaned over the counter and grabbed the travel agent by the throat in order to get it back.  He was terrified.  Don't put up with such abuse.  The scammers back down quickly if confronted.


I'm so glad you guys went over one of the most important points. Do not support, help finance these scammers who are abusing their animals. Do not ride any camels, horses or donkeys! These ppl are completely mistreating their animals, they don't even deserve them!!


not many will accept that they have been scammed. it needs guts to come in front of camera and admit just to help others! just awesome of you both.


Egypt was an amazing place... but 95% of the people that we met were just genuinely awful... constant scams, dishonest behaviour and trying to shake you down for money... in 3.5 weeks of traveling the entire width and length of the country I can count on one hand the number of decent people we met (most of whom were family of a close Egyptian friend of mine)... There were some amazing things to see but you couldn't pay me to go back there.


I watched this video before I went to Egypt and left a Thumb Up for your advice. However, despite everything you warned me (and people like me) about I wasn't prepared for how intrinsic and industrial in scale the scamming and begging would be. Out on the streets I was able to shrug off the endless hassling by traders, but I was disgusted that it even went on in my resort hotel. In the lobby, in the restaurants, by the pool, on the beach... everyone wanted to upsell and get money for nothing. It was exhausting.

Finally, in Cairo and at the pyramids we had a tour guide, but he was in cahoots with several local traders, so we were dragged into souvenir shops and went to other places we had no interest in. Having a guide, no matter how legitimate, is no guarantee of being safe from beggars and scammers, especially if the guide is one of them.


I had a friend who took an Uber in Egypt and twice, on two separate occasions, the taxi driver changed the drop off location against my friends wishes and actually drove him
out to the desert and left him there when my friend complained about the destination change and the higher fare. This happened TWICE. My friend is Italian but works for the antiquities board as a film maker and Egyptologist and is currently trying to raise awareness with government bodies who could and SHOULD do something about this corrupt and abusive behaviour.


Geez! I really want to go to Egypt, but this sounds like my worst nightmare!


I was in Egypt 38 years ago. Looks like not much has changed. I found out that if you speak a language that they don't understand, they will leave you alone.


Absolutely agree with this . In cairo it was unbearable.  My trip to the pyramids I was completely scammed. Pressured relentlessly,  expecting tips . In cairo itself was a nightmare . Your constantly approached by random men asking where are you going etc. Try telling you the museum isn't open etc and try and get you to shop at certain shops. I pretended I spoke no English as it was the only way to get them to back off. The market was probably the worst place. I stayed about 20 minutes and got a taxi back to my hotel. I couldn't browse or shop as I was constantly pestered . Even tried to eat there in peace but even that was awful as traders constantly kept bothering me. I love egypt but it can be a nightmare.  I did find luxor easier and alexandria was a dream . I got no pressure at all


I visited Cairo just to see pyramids. It was an amazing experience but the scammers were everywhere. It was terrible even the taxi drivers will give you 1 price but by the time you reach your destination they will charge u double saying the traffic was too much or they miscalculated. It was so disappointed will not visit Egypt again


Every time I listened to a testimonials of their experience in Egypt, once they arrived, the very next thing they're thinking is to depart the very next day😁!


Hi! My husband and I went to Cairo in 2009…we were traveling in Europe so we decided to fly on over to visit my sister-in-law…her husband was the CEO of a major Corporation there…why do I tell you this? Because of her we had security detail, driver and tour guide…so we were VERY PRIVILEGED on our trip..and it was the same harassment for us as well…the Pyramids were the worst and yes…the thin working animals broke my heart…the locals are very pushy and aggressive…even with the benefits of local connections due to the Corporate contacts…when dealing with tourist areas it does take you aback and the brazenness of the locals demanding tips…we definitely had some good experiences but found Giza and Luxor to be overrated but the Red Sea was a must see…love your channel and be safe!


This is really helpful to know before travelling to Egypt. I always feel bad looking away or ignoring, I'm too nice. I'd probably get eaten alive there lol


That is so sad that so many people take advantage of people like that! We cannot stand it!! It really takes away from the experience unfortunately. Thank you guys for sharing! it's always nice to be aware of these things!


Thanks for your video on Egypt!!

I have seen several recent videos from YOUTUBERS and even PROFESSIONAL BLOGGER CHEFs that were visiting  Egypt and they all said STAY AWAY!!

As INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS with means, DON'T VISIT EGYPT and if enough of us stay away it will change behavior eventually we can hope anyway...


Hearing this is so sad and frustrating to us decent, non scamming Egyptian citizens, but i have to say that we believe you completely, because pushy sales people and scammers bother us too when they feel that we have money or that we're interested in what they sell. The people that interact with tourists most, unfortunately are the people that want to take advantage of them, other decent people would prefer giving you your space to let you enjoy your time, but we always wish to help because we know that others would only try to scam you. I'm so sorry for everyone's bad experience. Egypt is a beautiful place, but these people really ruin it. Poverty is to  blame.


Grateful for this video! Egypt is now surely off my list!