I've been a Personal Trainer for 8 years and I must say I'm learning a lot from your videos. I'm always a student to life. Keep up the great videos.
You have provided me with an excellent and comprehenhise guideline and I appreciate your being available to us up and coming Trainers! Thank you!
I like including supersets in my workouts. I also currently use a different format called pyramid sets for my bench press. I do 4 sets with 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps in that order, gradually increasing the weight on each one. Since hitting a plateau, I started doing it this way and have felt much more growth in my chest and shoulder muscles. Enjoy your videos as I’m aiming to eventually start a career in pt.
5/12/23 Viewing and learning; loved it!
Hi guys.. Just to say that you're doing a great job helping us PTS 👏💪
Awesome explanations!!!
As a new personal trainer, these videos have been SO helpful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I typically stick with Supersets. It's seemed to have provided the best feedback this far. Thank you as ALWAYS, for this great content, Jeff. Wish we could've link up, prior to my move from MA.
Great info!! Hard to believe this is all free!!! ❣️👏👏👏👏
Another great video. thank you. :) Super-sets are my go-to during my own training and with my clients. I try for a balanced approach. Push with pull. Agonist with antagonist. etc.
You can achieve progressive overload in supersets fairly easy. You just need to manipulate reps/% RM/rest in between super sets.
Another great video! I did circuit sets one winter and lost almost 20 pounds felt great but lost a lot of muscle size. I do more tri sets routine now and as the workout goes on I move into super sets and then finish with back to back trying to allow some cardio and muscle development balance. I try to hit upper body then add a leg workout in the tri set to make the heart move the blood through out the body. Mixing it up at my age feels good . As summer gets closer I tend to slow down into back to back to gain more muscle and do every day to complete all the muscle systems. I now have added HIIT and balance training once a week Changing it up through the year makes it fun.
Best channel ever
This was extremely helpful 😊
I am a fulltime PT for 8 years now. I used to do tons of circuits with short-term weight-loss folks. My long term clients (6 years plus) - I keep changing up according to their needs.
I am recommending your channel to new trainers and you are popular. I’ve read others recommending you too.
Love supersets/trisets
Hi Jeff, have you any videos on training 2 clients at the same time? If not I’d love to hear your tips and thoughts on this. Your content is great. Helps so much 👍🏻
Love these advices, awesome job 👍