Too bad YouTube is siding with scammers, this video is definitely worth a rewatch
Not surprised. YouTube is the type to say "don't use adblockers" but allows ads potentially made by these scammers.
Thank you for doing this to scammers. I hope this will help you keep stopping them.
This is why when you can't understand someone talking to you on the phone, people just hang up .
The best punishment you can give them is to send this video to their family,friends and neighbours. In India shame is more powerful than prison sentence.
I cannot believe YouTube takes down these videos when you reveal the scammers identities. They are essentially keeping these criminals in business. Crazy.
I'm really disgusted with YouTube for siding with the scammers. I've saved this video so I can rewatch it, and I hit the like button to help the algorithm. Your work is so valuable and appreciated.
Thank you for your care. These scammers are just heartless greedy cancer of today’s society.
I had no idea these kind of people would operate out of a legitimate-looking office. I presumed they'd be in an old garage or someone's bedroom and using ancient, crap PCs etc. Obviously they're making enough coin to put some effort into setting up the operation. Nice work to shock them like this.
As an Indian, I keep getting asked if I worked in a scam call centres before. It’s humiliating and we deserve it for not having a responsible government to stop these from happening.
How that entire building hasn’t been investigated is beyond me. Legit a epicenter of scammers.
making this video viral is the best course of action to expose these thieves
I was hacked/scammed last year. I wish I had your skills to discover who they were and expose them. So many people have been scammed out of large amounts of money. Shame on YT for removing your videos.
It's crazy that the police let them out to scam people again, at the same building too. Thanks a ton for your work man.
I would totally change all those audio recordings to something ridiculous like, "We are dumbass scammers, please do not call us back."
I’m simple, I see a new Scambaiter video, I click.❤
7:17 me before a presentation be like 😂😂😂😂😂😂
"Lemme just restart your microphone really quickly" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣