Beautiful, I like that, I didn't notice the beautiful familiar music to me too
I did it!! One for each side and I thought “I’m not going to yawn, sigh or swallow” well as soon as I relaxed and just listened to your words- yawn!!! What a relief! Ty
The soundtrack is phenomenal.
Thank you for an effective tool. This is going in my anxiety relief toolbox!
Nice video
Wow I yawned in 5 seconds on both sides 😅
Greetings. I have an aggressive methosensitivity. Do you think vagus nerve stimulation could help? Thank you very much. With respect and honest friendship, Erwin. ⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
Why a yawn, sigh, or swallow for the reset ? Low key found myaelf holding my breath
Is it supposed to be slightly uncomfortable?
Drugs is the best therapy
I don't want to be like the breathing police but you are breathing from your chest not your stomach.
If I find out my therapist had mental issues or depression…. i’m getting up and leaving the room PERIOD you don’t have your own stuff together how the hell can I trust you with mine?!?!?
Good underarms