


I still get chills and tear up during defying gravity!!! Happy anniversary!!!


Hard to believe that Wicked is at its 15th Anniversary. This is truly one of the best stage musicals and my absolute favorite.


I am so in love with how jackie burns sings "Tell them HOW i am defying gravity"… 1:03 that "HOW" is so unique and beautiful.


All I ask is for a cast recording of the wicked witch of the east


Wicked is probably my favorite Broadway show I've seen, between plot - staging - costumes - lighting - choreography - music  - ect , it has everything a Broadway show should be


Imagine if we got a whole production on film like this


I've probably replay this video for at least a dozen times


Oh my god, is that Jackie and Amanda singing instead of the OBC like in ever other promotional video ever??? That's really cool. We want to see more of that.


Wicked but everytime someone points it gets faster


Four years ago,(October 3,2014)I saw this beautiful musical on Broadway and was changed ever since. Elphaba will forever be my dream role💚💚. I love this so much😭😭😍😍


Why is this video so clear? Clearer than my future? ;-;


I can only hope this'll be recorded and made available to the general public before I die. Sure, I was lucky enough to be able to see it once [with Amanda Jane Cooper and Emily Koch as the leading ladies], but I doubt ticket sales are dropping anytime soon.


I am a straight Southern Baptist man but this play turns me into a little kid on Christmas morning every time I see it. Mainly because the themes of acceptance, racism, xenophobia, and unrequited love are universal.


This musical is the best thing I've seen in my whole life


I want a few things right now

1. I want to see this
2. I want to meet the cast
3. Glinda’s outfits


Living for this HD audio and footage of Jackie and Amanda! 
(lowkey hoping for a new cast album with the both of them in in it!)
(and also in the movie)


Jackie burn is so beautiful… her singing is wonderful… gosh love her so much


Never thought in a million years I could ever relate to the Wicked witch of the west but yet here i am crying over her and watching her Defying Gravity. Oh how I love this show


Saw this show over 50 times but these shots are the best things I’ve ever seen.