
The beep was definitely uncalled for, but the biker braked it right in front of the car.


Most of these comments are stupid, you can see ahead there’s heavy traffic, he only making a gap so people have space, it’s very common when there’s heavy traffic, if he would have proceeded as normal it would have still been congested so it doesn’t matter if he’s close up for far apart, besides on a bike it’s always safer to have spaces between vehicles. Thank You!


Tailgating a bike in any scenario is crazy


No clue why the POV driver honked, but the whole point of a “safe following distance” is so they don’t fucking run in to someone like that. Biker prolly thought they wanted something I think


The guy on bike didn’t do anything wrong. The person behind the bike like OMG is he serious rn wth 🤬, I hope the biker is okay. ❤️‍🩹


The biker was just taking his time not causing problems. Pretty sure he stopped so the car could pass. The car was tailgating and should have been able to stop


You say stop, i say go go go


Why did he stop?  To start something, that’s why.


i think personally the driver was wrong for following so closely but a gap that wide between 5-6 cars or more doesn’t need to be created by a biker going super slow, the honk was for him to speed it up a little instead of slowing traffic down more! but not sure why the biker thought stopping in the middle of traffic would be a good idea, if you see people behind you and you’re CLEARLY holding everyone BACK just let them pass.


Did he forget how vulnerable he is on that bike ?


Of course he did he stopped


He hit his brakes so yeah.


No matter what, there is traffic. Even if he speed up to catch up with traffic. They arent going anywhere.


The water bottle rolling away sent me


Absolutely! He slammed his brakes on when he wasn’t at a stop sign or a stoplight, which is impeding the flow of traffic! Plus, it’s all on dash cam so you are all set my friend!😜


Why do people hate riders so much?


I say go, go, go


Making a gap to merge helps but both are in the wrong, he shouldn't brake check a car riding his ass , but the car shouldn't be riding his ass.


Bikers fault caused the crash


I did the biker just stop😅😅😅