Can somebody tell Dr. Greer that shitting on people doesn’t make you more credible
So, Dr Gary Nolan got paid off with 3.4 million dollars recently, but YOU, Steven were offered 2 billion dollars in 94? Ok, got ya.
Waiting to hear from Nolan. My gut tells me that Nolan is not a liar & he is not afraid to call Greer out.
Why didn't Danny question Greer like he questioned Ashton Forbes? He just let's Greer make wild claims with no evidence.
Nolan is super well respected in his field up for a Nobel prize at one point and Greer is well....Greer a former physician or maybe he still has his license I don't know but he has a history of viciously attacking anyone...ANYONE who dares disagree or question his beliefs. Yeah Nolan is the guy I'd listen to on this.
Why hasn’t he gotten a second opinion to date? There are 5000 other Gary Nolan‘s out there who would be more than willing to review it. Either he has lost the specimen or he doesn’t want it to be reviewed again because he knows Gary is telling the truth
Isn't this Defamation, Libel and Slander. Nolan should consider this.
Ok so Greer deliberately just moved in libel territory. Let’s see what happens.
Good grief not again! Has Greer got a list he's going down to debunk anyone who shines more than him! SHOW US THE PROOF MR GREER! TALK talk talk! And just because someone receives funding that does NOT make them a 'CIA disinfo agent"!
Stop giving Stephen Greer screen time. He's a hack. Never any evidence but wild claims. Nolan never makes wild claims or commits to anything without evidence. Anything that comes out of Greer's face is a smear campaign and isn't worth its salt. Nolan ftw.
Greer with his hotel stays for UAP spotters and allegedly a cruse ship UAP holiday seems to have decided to become a travel agent
What happened to this massive reveal that Dr. Greer and his buddies were supposed to let the world know about? Something that would shake the foundations of the planet about the alien disclosure?
I’ve had enough of SG!
That's the problem with Greer, he's 100% sure about everything he says. I don't know if it's just arrogance with him or ego, or both.
I'd like to see Dr. Greer personally confront Dr. Garry Nolan with his sharp allegations to his face; It's time to hold Dr. Greer accountable for his serious allegations and put him in a same room with those he accuses.
When Greer says "I never said it was alien" that is a bold face lie. He keeps repeating himself, saying, he never said it was an extraterrestrial, and yet in his movie, and in all of his presentations up until the point where Gary Nolan determined it wasan unfortunate child, Greer maintained that it was absolute proof of extra terrestrial presence either completely or in a hybrid status. So when he says, I never said it was an alien he's just lying.
This is a tough one, because Gary Nolan seems so damn honest, but who knows
Greer is having a nervous breakdown. Nolan don't play he will sue your ass.
There is really no point in saying anything bad about Greer. He is doing just fine, destroying his own credibility.