
How to make sure your kid loses their friends: 
1. Invite them all to a party and let them think they'll get a toy.
2. Allow them to customize the toy for themselves, thus building a bond with it.
3. Take their toy away and give it to your kid.

There you go! Now all the brokenhearted kids will blame your kid for stealing their new toy.


The reason the mom did it this way is that if Build-A-Bear actually did the party, the mother would NOT have been able to pull this stunt.  Now her kid is gonna be said because no one will want to come to her future parties because of their mother's stunt.


Imagine the person from six years ago hearing their story getting reactions and responses all this time later.


LOL we have a 7yo and the first thing my bf said was, "why tf would you even want that many bears?!"


All that mom did was make it so no kid would want to be her daughter’s friend!


I’m NGL, the idea of having a birthday party where people make you your gifts in real time is actually really sweet. As long as you let them know.


I was listening in and out and heard the story and was like “wait, I’ve heard this before…?” And then the Reddit story came up and I was like “okay, phew”. I’ve heard of plenty of people reading Reddit stories aloud, but acting like it’s your story is…weird.


I did a build a bear party  for my daughter 20 years ago,  All the girls got to keep their bears, very weird for the Party mum to expect the guests to give them bears to the party girl.


I had my sweet sixteen at Build a Bear, my friends and I each got our own bear and there was a special party bear included that they could all sign and doodle on


I HATE this genre of tik tok 🙄 they’re just stealing and they know 99% of people don’t read their stupid caption


I did a BAB party for my daughter. When booking, you put a limit on the price YOU WILL PAY for each child. If the kid wants more, that kid’s parent pays the extra. I have never seen a parent pull this bullshit. WOW!


My brain skipped “build a” and I read it as “bear mom” and my God was I confused


If the mom had put that on the invite NO ONE would have showed up. What she did was cruel to the kids that went. Now I can assure you 💯💯💯 that no child will ever want to go to this child’s party ever again


9:00 the most polite cussing I’ve ever heard


To show up at BABW with EIGHT kids for a birthday without booking is very very rude and annoying.

They don’t charge extra for the party. They just want to make sure they’re staffed and ready for a huge group to come in all at once.


One of my kids is autistic, and she would not have been able to understand why she couldn't keep her bear. She'd be so sad, & confused. I'd be paying the mom, respectfully explaining to her why she's wrong for this, then I'd take my kid, HER bear, & we'd dip. It is obvious why she didn't put it on the invite, & that is disgusting behavior.


If the mom wanted the bears to be a nice memory of her daughter's birthday, seems like the easy fix here is to just take a good group photo at BAB and say ""okay, everyone hold up your bear!" Done. Birthday girl gets the memory photo and everyone gets their bear to take home. 🤷‍♀


Reddit Storytellers is such a weird genre IMO. A post of mine went viral in the Extremely Infuriating Subreddit and several creators took it and retold it like it was theirs. (it was about a brand rep threatening to unalive themselves)
When it comes to kids parties....people are unhinged.....I have 3 kids. Not in the least bit surprised this happened. One person we know rented a Sky Zone then tried to charge everyone entry and no one came lol


I think this should be a perfect example of how people take everything on tiktok and the internet at large for face value.


What a  weird thing to do – pretend someone's story is your own. No one reads captions, they just open the video and see drama and assume it's theirs. I would hate if someone tried to pass off my own experiences as their own. It screams narcissism to me...