"Motivation fuels you to do things. Habits keep you on track."
Hi! Faculty member here, I wrote my MA thesis with the help of Self Determination Theory as basis theory. I'd like to include a few important points for anyone who'd like to learn more. Firstly basic psychological needs derive from organismic survival behaviour as well as other sides of human beings, like their personalities, upbringings, contextual positions etc. Deci and Ryan say every human is inherently curious. To be able to maintain the fire of curiosity and life long learning, one will need intrinsic motivation. This is provided by supporting an individual's autonomy, competence and relatedness (relation was the preffered term in the video). Amotivation happens on three observed terms. If your basic psychological needs are not supported, you may feel that there is no power in you to behave in a certain way. Secondly, you might be completely uninterested about an issue and there isn't enough stimulation for you to act. Third one is more about rejecting the action itself. Deci and Ryan also found that even though money in considerably mid or big amounts might not nourish intrinsic motivation, small amounts of money or small rewards might act as intrinsic motivation stimulants. That's why computer games are so intriguing to us, they're full of small rewards! Overall, I'd like to thank you for this video. This is a theory that needs to be heard and studied more.
I am the last, no 6 person. I have had cancer metastases for 7 yrs now, & its the personal motivation to do the best to beat it, that has kept me so well. I research the internet, & forget what time it is, hence have to sleep in late most mornings. Thanks Mr Grassi, for causing this Sprouts to help people to think better. Alison.
First year psychology student here. Working on an assignment where we're asked to identity a personal health risk behaviour and design a health treatment plan for ourselves, choosing either planned behaviour, the health belief model or SDT as a framework. In the context of reducing alcohol consumption I chose SDT as my model and this video has helped me understand it a great deal better and now I feel more confident (and COMPETENT) in completing my assignment. Not only that, I feel a greater sense of autonomy knowing that I'm on the right track now. Thank you. :)
I'm homeschooling my four children, and they're all on different parts of this spectrum. My oldest does really well because he's curious and wants to learn everything that he can, while my other children tend to be more frustrated and reward oriented.
Seeking a change in environment helps a lot, with me at least. Working where you sleep is tough. I often rearrange my room to help combat this, but to me nothin' beats actually working away from the house.
Helping students to achieve intrinsic motivation is what teachers are endeavouring.
Thank you, nice approach! It helped me to understand my amotivation during the last 2 months - I cannot make myself do my job properly. Now I realize it’s because I don’t fully enjoy my job and I was mostly motivated by appreciation from others😢
Extrinsic motivation is needed when you are not interested in the subject... on the other hand, intrinsic motivation plays a huge role when you enjoy the subject. I studied "Mathematical models for optimization" with intrinsic motivation and now I am studying "Automatic controls" just thinking about the grade... (you may notice I am watching youtube videos because the subject isn't fully capturing me).
I don’t respond to rewards, recognition, or competition. I am motivated by being a competent member of my team and succeeding in our regards. I need to be apart of a task that is truly fulfilling to be motivated day to day.
Does our education system undermine intrinsic motivation? Few have the luxury of studying what they want just because they find in interesting. Grades are critical. Without good grades we often cannot move into our career choice. In any formal program of study, we must submit to a timeline, and we must follow the program structure.
I love the video. This is a huge reason why I am choosing to homeschool. I feel like I am able to meet my girls needs better and my own needs better as an educator and life long learner.
Well to be honest even clicking on this channel and subscribing. At first got me curious and now got me motivated to learn more. Not to out compete someone, not to benefit , or to show off. But for my own 😊 curiosity. Thanks and keep it going.
This is so helpful. Your way of teaching this concept is commendable. Thank you for making this video.
There are three basic needs that drive our behavior: the need for safety, the need for belonging, and the need for significance. We all have a need to feel safe and secure, to feel like we belong, and to feel like we matter. These needs influence our behavior in everything we do, from the way we interact with others to the way we make decisions. When these needs are not met, we can feel anxious, lonely, and worthless. This can lead to all sorts of problems, both for ourselves and for those around us. But when our needs are met, we can feel happy, fulfilled, and like we're part of something bigger than ourselves.
As always, nothing is simple when our toughts and feelings are on the mix - how to handle the rational ans irrational. Another great video. Gave me dood dor tought. Thanks.
We appreciate the content and the animation through which it is expressed.
I found learning in K-12 difficult but when I went back to college in my late 30's I found getting top grades was easy, making time to do my homework was easy. I competed with my self to get perfect grades whenever possible. At this point I had foundation of life experience that made what I studied understandable. I could see how excelling in the program I was in was relevant to me and my family. I tell my young students now to go get a job, buy a couple of cars, get a mortgage and start a family then you will be ready to learn.
So well put together. Thank you for this!