
Don't forget to check out my Lucifer playlsit to see more of this comic


If I remember right, reason (one of) for Archangel helping him was revenge. He wanted Lucifer to suffer for destroying his books. He decided that best revenge (in that situation) was helping him. For someone as prideful as Lucifer, it will be hard living with knowledge, he must thank him for his life. Or something like that, it's some time I read this.


This clip can do no justice. By reading the comic you can understand the full context and (despite it being very complex) get an idea of how everything happens.


Lucifer is still dangerous without his powers and better blackmailer than Batman


I knew he would come back and get his revenge.


For a compilation video, you should listen to insert music for the rider franchise, there are a lot of songs that are just goated


he trick a girl to die for him ? wow that evil !


So he did died and needed help from others ppl in the comments from the other video made it seems like lucifer instantly revived and did it all by himself but in fact he was outsmarted and defeated


Cillian Murphy as Lucifer, we'll be there


Awesome videos I’ll be watching you for a while. Keep it up. Can you tell me what song is that?


Cool 🔥 looks interesting


what's the name of the background theme?


So they just couldnt make another baby? wut?


57th to comment.


Talk about GI robot