I love that when this man rambles he makes more sense and valid points than most adults do during an actual conversation.
These are the Andrew Camarata videos that I enjoy so very much. Working on a truck that we all know, if something doesn't fit he makes it fit and makes it look good enough. Shows his insights, tells us about how dangerous a good bumper is - plows through a dryer to show how good his product is. Can't help but to come back to these videos and enjoy each and everyone of them.
I love how Andrew went through the whole cycle of "why aren't these stock?" in under a minute.
You never fail to show what the actual process looks like, instead of jump cutting all the difficult parts, and that's what I appreciates about you Andrew.
that milwaukee circular metal saw has got to be in the top 5 or 10 best tool purchases in your whole operation, Andrew. What a beast!. Great video as always.
"Very important to have a good bumper incase a dryer runs out in front of ya" 🤣🤣🤣
Working by & for yourself has it's rewards. Not so much arguing about how something should look or work. "It looks ok to me" is how it ends & I like that about your work.
I love how much Andrew loves this stuff. The smile on his face when he is carrying the plasmas cutter out of the room is priceless.
Love it when Andrew gets into his durability test mode
Everytime I watch one of Andrew's videos, it reminds me how happy it makes me that someone like him has been so successful on YouTube
I never cease to be amazed by your ingenuity and rugged determination to solve the most frustrating projects. You've made an old man optimistic about the youth of America.
You’re never too old to enjoy dragging an old Car around the place! That was a Hoot, Andrew. Lots of mods on the new bumper, but it Looks like it was all worth it... really enjoy watching the Labs enjoying Life!!
The end result is the goal. If you just slapped on a store bought solution, that would be dime a dozen. It's the creative problem solving steps and watching you go through at least some of the fabrication that keeps the interest level high. Longer videos are just fine. It's what you do that not many others take the time to show or know how to do. These are some of your best. Please keep em coming.
That metal circular saw blade is impressive, cut pretty clean and fast,considering the thick plate you cut.
Andrew is by far a real piece of work, in the best of all he is ,His videos are the best things on the internet love to watch them more than anything onTV. My opinion only. As always Andrew great job, thanks to all who have read my comments , I've never gotten so many before.
That’s the one thing I love about this guy is he does stuff mostly by himself and it always works and functions correctly how he wants it. It reminds me of how I’m am because is love working and building stuff by myself.
The moment Andrew started to chain the car had me bawling 🤣
Amazing display of welding, and modifying talent. Also, thank you for showing us those interesting methods of testing of the strength of that new bumper.
3 am in the shop is crazy. Much respect for you brother