
For folks without milk frothers but who have blenders, I've also had great results adding milk, a dash of half'n'half, matcha powder, and a drizzle of honey into a smoothe blender cup, and just blending about 10-15 seconds to thoroughly combine. Then add ice, and you're done! The foam on turns out really rich and silky, and it's super quick to make-- great for whipping up a latte on the way out the door.


I love ice matcha latte๐Ÿต๐Ÿ˜


That looks yum โค


Iced matcha latte is very good ๐Ÿต


Kev serving looks here ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


The milk foam is the best part! โค


where do you get your matcha? it looks really high quality!


It looks so good โคโค




there's no sugar though? isnt it super bitter?


hey! you should be doing things you haven't done before




Did u enjoy being a nurse