to all who read this, and all who don't...sending you infinite peace, perfect health, abundant wealth, joyous freedom, and unconditional love...🙏🏽💜💜💜💜💜🙌🏽
I am where I need to be in life. I am not behind nor ahead. My path is unique to me and where I am going is meant to be. I am embracing my journey. I am taken where I need to be and not where I want to go. I am thankful for every single experience I encounter along the way; past, present and future. I grow in every moment of my adventure. My destination isn't important. I will get there eventually... Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end
If you’re reading this… know you will be ok and everything will work out for your highest most loving good 🙏❤️🦋
When I listen to this music, I feel that every part of my body is activated and glowing. Thank you so much.
Lisa Gerard has the voice of an otherworldly being. Beautiful.
To each and every beating heart and blessed mind who reads these words -- may you feel the chest waves of divine energetic love I am sending you -- always through your higher self -- for your highest good -- I pray that you forgive yourself, let your regrets fall away, and taste the sunlight of your own true awakening.
I’m greatful for being here on Earth 🙏🏼 It is such a fascinating experience! I could never have imagined any of this - and yet, here I am, I’ve been given the possibility to experience all of this! Magic! Compared to “nothingsness”, life is really unique and incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you! To all beings out there, I’m honored to share this journey with you! 🙏🏼 May you keep seeing the world through the wonder of a childs eyes seeing it all for the first time. May you keep finding that place of gratitude again and again and again. Let’s never forget the beauty that exists, and let’s keep our spirits lifted by sharing our gratitude! Feel free to share what you’re grateful for ❤️🙏🏼
I am so proud of you all my Brothers and sisters stay strong I've dreamed of this happening all my life Humanity free from darkness and slavery we are free know let's heal the planet mother Gaia and at last we are creating a new world 🌎 in gratitude and humility I Affirm everything that the universe as done for me thank you for your lessons blessings and healing Sending love light blessings and healing with an abundance of positive energy 💖✨️🙏 Namaste We are one And so it is
Thank you. Blessed grateful and love. May we heal mother earth as a collective. To God be all the glory. Love and light.
There is still so much beauty and love in this world. Understanding, compassion, support. This is the world I am part of and I am so grateful for it. I am so proud of all the people that choose love over hate, pain. God thank you, forgive us and help us guiding us to the divine path. ❤ my words cant express enough my gratitude. ❤
I am freedom . Thank you for letting me be so free god . I am so gratful and I love you so much . Life is beautiful. Amen and amen
You are geniuses ❤️🌸🍄
Iam grateful. I live in a golden mansion inside of me, in my heart. I declare it to my 3D.🙏🙏
This is so beautiful, feel so grateful not only to my Heart Chakra but for my mind for opening & balancing flow of love to all other Chakras and then to Mother Earth receiving her goodness to come into my soul. Thank you Christine and Hanne sending Love & Light❤🌞
💜🕊Friendly reminder of today: If you slow down enough you will start noticing that you are surrounded by miracles and your life is filled with things to be grateful for. What are you grateful for right now? ✨💗Read the description box for more information, tools, and guided meditation to support you further💗✨ ✨Download this song for unlimited offline listening: ✨Do you want to use this song in your project or bussiness? Buy the royalty-free license to this song from our music shop: 💞Remember to like and subscribe to our youtube channel if you find value in our content.💞 We are here to support YOU on your journey toward deeper love, growth, and healing. As we unite as a community to take care of our own healing and well-being, our collective energy of love and awareness will raise the vibration of this planet. We aim to reach a million subscribers within a couple of years. May our community of spiritual love warriors grow abundantly every day. Infinite love, light, and support to YOU💗 Christine & Hanne, Self Healing Collective.
I am forever and deeply grateful for my life. Thank you God❤ thank you life on this earth❤