
I've watched probably 10 other in-depth kickflip tutorial videos, but since this one is from you Jonny, this time I'm gonna make it.


Its taken me 2 months of consistent practice and after 2 months I've landed my first kickflip at the age of 33. If I can do it, you guys can. Thanks Jonny. The feeling when I landed was amazing, I owe you for this!


1. 1:50 basic practice 
2. 2:20 Foot positioning
3. 6:00 The "i cant get my body on my board" issue
4. 7:35 The "shoulder issue" 
5. 7:50 Jonnys Lifehack
6. 8:30 Motivation spech



Ya!! I landed my first kickflip at the age of 28 in 20 Jan 2023 before my next month birthday!!  I have been practice this since July 2022. But I discovered that I had slightly left knee MCL torn, so I  take a break for a month and small surgery,then go back to keep practicing  my kickflip. 
It's so high when I got my first kickflip in entire whole life! I could never forget the feeling!! Especially I started to learn at 24 years old.. I couldn't imagine that I landed first kickflip  before the age of 30! 

It's happy to see you guys share your first kickflip which encourage so many skater to keep practice, which including me.

Yessss , Never give up, keep practice consistently and  you can land too!

Love From Hong Kong


yo jonny! found your channel at the beginning of covid quarantine and since then have had the itch to get back on a skateboard (last time i skated was 2007)
Just want to say thank you so much for bringing the enjoyment of skating back into my life. 
You're a good person, man. your love for skating is contagious and so are your videos.
so you've at least inspired one reckless idiot to get back on a board, and I couldn't be happier. Thanks again man!


I skated about 17 years ago now I’m almost 40 and I’m getting back at it brought a brand new setup and landed a Kickflip standing still not moving yet gotta lose some weight but I’m not giving it up this time your video is really helpful


Durch diesen Mann hab ich mit 29 mein Board nach 13 Jahren vom Dachboden geholt. Danke dafür Jonny! Ich hatte echt vergessen wie viel Spaß skaten noch macht. Geht alle raus, schnappt euch ein Board und skatet :) 
Jonny, du bist echt ein super Typ und Skater!


I learned my first kickflip on Saturday and it was on my birthday, September 5th, I'm very happy


Dude Johnny giger you are so cool you are one of my favorite skateboarders and I love ur channel


Duuuuuuude! Can't wait to try these new tips! I land 360 Flips more often than Kickflips! It bugs me so bad, haha.  I'm quite certain I was not aligning my shoulder and flicking the board right! Thanks for the best tutorial on the trick yet!


Please Jonny, I NEED one of these but with heelflips


The rail tip is great
I learned to ollie with it and it helps a lot. Can't wait to land my first kickflip


Best tutorial with most common issues why some of us still can't land a kickflip and this legend comes with a few simple but handy hacks.


On this day (June 21, 7:00 pm) I landed my first kickflip! Thank you so much for helping me with all my tricks, encouraging me to skate, and for making skateboarding fun! 🖤🖤🖤




Here's the TRUE tutorial on how to kickflip: release X to ollie then immediately hit left + square. Timing needs to be perfect. You're welcome. #THPS1and2


THIS is the best tutorial on how to kickflip. I’ve practice kickflip for over a month or 2. And after watching this tutorial I landed my kickflip on the second day. PS I landed it on a trashy deck


Hi Jonny, with the help of your tutorial, I finally landed my first kickflip today - decent air-time, full flip, both feet on the bolts, without any diagonal board rotation. Thank you a thousand times, it's a pleasure to witness you perfect your craft and share it with others. Keep on going.

Greetings from Leeds, UK :)


My man Johnny has one of the best kick flips in the business.  It’s easy to see why he’s so good when you watch how fluid and smooth his kick flips are. Perfect execution.


Hey Jonny, I'm 41 and landed my first kickflip today thanks in no small part to your tutorial. I stopped skating at around 16 and started again a few months ago after watching you and a few others. Thanks for all you are doing and good luck at The Berrics