
That's so clean tho


i love that sights and how clean it looks applys to both r6 and apex. people think that legends/operator ski lls are op but sights wins most of the time


Guess those 200 testers were needed after all huh respawn


3x looks like a valorant sight


"Tests"? We don't do that here.



This and every other recent bug seems like something a QA tester would find 🤔


they got that VALORANT sights


1-2x looks so clean with this wtf


This should be one of those things that they turn into a Feature/Rework.


This is beautiful man, I hope somebody makes a cfg that can do this.


The thumbnali reminds me about the Valorant iron sights


The Reactive Volt Skin from the S10 BP, with the Digital Sight, 1x HCOG ‘classic’, and 2x looks crazy


They're actually better than the normal ones


honestly all sights should be as clean as the bugged ones, other than high power scopes. Its the future after all. Jonathan Ferguson from the royal armories would approve.


I expected something like this,time abd time again i have seen that big Tripple A doesnt do the needed quality testing ,because they are not used to making such big game changes like adding a 3 rd gun


I found this within 30 minutes on launch


also, if you die in your ult as ballistic you keep the fast reload, movement speed and your sling is still gold but it just doesnt show up


Finally, 10x on wingman


man... how nice these look... makes me wish that were the case...


i was just playing with this and then i went on youtube and here it is lol