I am so glad I live in an age where these kind of YouTube channels exist.
I love the lil reminders in the corners of all their videos, "its a lot more complex than this", "atoms don't look like this", "this image is wrong", they are constantly telling us "THIS IS REALLY NOT HOW IT IS THIS IS AN ANIMATION I AM BUT A SIMPLE ANIMATOR THIS IS JUST REALLY NOT HOW IT WORKS"
Correction Iron can in fact fuse it just uses energy instead of creating it. This is why heavier elements exist at all. In the dying days of a star it will fuse Iron (losing energy) occasionally which creates heavier than iron elements.
2:50 When someone asks you to be honest about whether you like their cooking
Rotation speed is 24% Lightspeed. That's absolutely insane.
NASA: we found a new star! what should we name it? NASA: Just throw the keyboard off a cliff 8 times. Should do the job.
-Incredibly dense and violent -Layered like onions. -Massive Conclusion: Neutron stars are ogres.
It's worth mentioning their staggering magnetic fields. The strongest magnets we've built are around 500,000 to 1 million times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field. A neutron star has a magnetic field strength in the order of 100 million ~ 1 quadrillion times that of Earth's. The strongest ones, Magnetars, one would not be able to get within 1000 km of, as the effect of the magnetic field on electrons would be so extreme, biological chemistry would completely break down. Physics is fascinating on the extreme edges.
This video taught me more than the 1 hour physics lesson we had on neutron stars did
So theoretically, somewhere in the vastness of the universe, a neutron star has cooled meaning somewhere there is a planet sized ball of solid iron and silicon atoms meaning that if life was to form there then it would be an iron-silicon based lifeform powered by electrons meaning that somewhere out there in the universe Transformers exist.
0:07 "Kilometers in diameter. Unbelievably dense, and violent." Sounds like my ex.
“...layered like onions” What do neutron stars, onions and ogres have in common? They’re hot
I had to take a second, get out of my head, look into the night sky, and just think, wow. these videos blow my mind
Your channel is stealing my sleep rightnow.
Kurgesagt has come a long way since 2015, the oversimplified artstyle looks so GOOD now.
This man needs an oscar. Sweet Lord Jesus those animations.
The music for this video is simply excellent.
this is the best youtube channel I've ever seen.
Atom: "Can I enter your magnetic field?" Neutron star: "Get bent!"