
What subspecialties should we cover next?


I'd love to see a video on dual boarding Psychiatry-Neurology. It's a path that creates the most well-rounded physicians of the brain and mind who can do everything each individual specialty can do. Arguably joining the two is the direction neuroscience is taking us: depression is now analyzed like a stroke where physical regions are targeted in treatment. There's only 5 approved schools including NYU!


I like this.  Not enough people are chatting about the possibilities in Psych. Thanks!


I can't wait to be a psychiatrist ❤


My partner is an adolescent psych fellow right now and agrees you broke the specialty down beautifully. Thank you for your videos <3


Great video! I would also love to see more information on Med-Psych, such as the combined IM/Psych and FM/Psych residency programs.


Great job summing up my area's fellowships!


Thanks for making this video.  I'll be applying to psych residencies soon.


Working with OCD is challenging. I like using that meditation book called 30 Days to Stop Obsessing by Harper Daniels sometimes.


Thanks for the great video . I was hoping it also covers public psychiatry as well,


This is very interesting, I was just looking up videos of behavioral psychology and behavioral neuroscience and the differences in what they research and what I would want to do. Cause I want to do the research part of behav- psych not working with patients


M3 applying to psychiatry next year ^_^ (child/adolescent psych sounds interesting but I could also see myself do CL-psych)


Can you explain the Anesthesiology specialties please


Didn't know psych had that many subs


Could you do Anesthesiology sub-specialties


Can you do a day in the life of a Pharmacist?


Being forcibly drugged with psychiatric drugs which have agonizing side effects is invisible torture which is in common use throughout Ireland.


Hello from Northern-Eastern region of Ukraine, Sumy city. I am a medical intern and my specialty is Psychiatry. Even at university, I fell in love with this huge branch of medicine. My special interest is Sleep Medicine because it looks as an unexplored and perspective direction in Psychiatry. However, we have no such subspecialty in Ukraine. I would like to ask you about possible opportunities to receive education for foreigners in English-language schools abroad. Perhaps you know programs that could help to study this science. I will be glad to receive your feedback. Peace for everyone!


Just commenting for the algorithm 💜💙


woah yeah psychiatry!