His clarifying points are so valid. He gives excellent sample ways of being able to practice this. He even gives real description of what it means to be “fully present“, a feature that I really couldn’t grasp for a long time. He models it well for us all. Thank you very much, Allen,!
So important to repeat what you are hearing instead of assuming or judging or agreeing!!
I felt encouraged and hopeful when I listened to this because I want to share this skill with others--since I have been practicing "doing" empathy for a quarter of a century and now have decided to coach people in using this skill. Thanks so much.
wow...I sought to enlighten everyone,and experienced another enlightenment myself from a video. This really had me learn, actually, on my own actual attitude and define me as me. lol if that makes sense. I guess empathize more than I sympathize, and the only thing I need to keep in check is putting my materials into a shelf, let someone else's material register through me, and allow me to then become second and register my materials through them. This is something I'll wathc religiously. love it
This is a great message on empathy! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you. I work as a teacher and some times I try to teach them the different facets of language in comunication; this is the kind of things I like to share with them.
The biggest take away for me was: Sympathy is when you resonate with what someone is going through Empathy is compassionate understanding
Alan, enjoyed your excellent description of what empathetic listening is all about. From a business development standpoint, it's a vital skill and habit. Because you have to make it a habit to be effective, it's so easy to fall out of practice. This was my reminder of how I can beat, what I bet is at least 60%-70% of my competition, and that is by just practicing the habit of empathetic listening.
A really good explanation of the differences between empathy and sympathy. I was discussing this with someone the other day and couldn't quite put it into words, although I knew instinctively what the difference was. You've done a great job, thanks!
Thanks for what was the most helpful explanation for me of the sympathy/ empathy differentiation using the “sympathy strings” analogy analogy,especially). Also the characterization of sustained presence as “following”, somehow really sunk in
awesome, I hve been lookin gfo reducating my self on this subject . U have done an excellent job and it makes lot of sense about being empathetic. we all need it .
Thank You!! I have been pulling to develop empathy for my friend who is so so ill, yet keep missing the mark. Your video was so helpful. I can do what you taught. You filled in the missing piece for me - being totally present with them. I realize that as they were talking, I was already formulating my answer without hearing them out completely. You're a very good teacher.
One of the best explanations I have heard. Sample conversations would be helpful if you could do that. Thanks for making this so clear!
One of the best I've ever seen about empathy
You are an amazing educator, speaker, presenter! I love love this video!! Thorough, clear, well paced, great examples, etc.
Just be present and keep your mind cool(through meditations)
One of the better videos on this topic i have watched. Thank you!
That cleared up empathy for me. Thank you for sharing!
Hi dear professor Thank you so much for your help and advice. I really appreciate your job. I wish you peace and happiness under the sky of prosperity. All the best. Take care and have a good time. Your follower from Algeria