
It brings a whole new meaning to Windus statement when he says: "The Dark Side of the force surrounds the Chancellor."


Palpatine mocking the Jedi to their faces without them knowing is the ultimate troll move.


2:10 The Senator would often sit and admire the treasures over long periods of quiet reflection

...A man of Galactic culture I see.


The Jedi: wow all this art must depict ancient Jedi mystics!
Palpatine: Sure Jan.


Sidius insulting the Jedi in this kind of way is SUCH a Palpatine thing to do, not gonna lie


The two urns are crazy, especially the one with his master in - just as a way to to taunt him in death.


Imagine the power u would feel sitting in the office surrounded by sith artifacts laughing to yourself while Yoda sat there making plans on how to stop a war u had full control off


The bad guys always have the best drip and the best art pieces 🤣


Imagine not knowing your enemy so little you dont even know when they're in your face, mocking you.


Palpatine having all that art & The Jedi never knew that those items were Sith related was a slap to their faces.


Palpatine was a collector of Sith antiquities long before his initiation into the Order. As a young man on Naboo he used his family's wealth and contacts to smuggle in forbidden Sith texts and artifacts.


I also liked the fact that Thrawn used art to dissect an enemies thoughts and use that to form a plan to crush them…brilliant and brutal


It’s insane how diabolical palpatine was towards the Jedi, I remember in the Rots book how surprised mace was when he started fighting palps and he had the saber with more chrome/ rare metal to it that was super hard to make, yet palps made it with ease


I'd like the wall pieces in his anti chamber. The fact that its atound ~5,000 years old is amazing. I've been to the UK and saw things that were only 900 years old I can't imagine the value.


Man I’ve really wanted a lore video on Palpatines office because to me this is a really interesting part about him and just another way for him to spit in the face of the Jedi and I just find that so cool


More thinking went into Palpatines office than all the new star wars content combined


Keep em coming brother! These are perfect background for my current kotor play through!


Absolutely love this video as I've heard Palpotine had "with artifacts" but never had anyone gone in detail as to what that meant


Insane how detailed the lore is even after 20 years when the movies came out


In my headcannon appreciation of art is why Sheev and Thrawn got along.