
Today's video is a bit different. I wanted to go beyond the usual surface-level fitness tips you've heard a thousand times. Let me know how you enjoy this type of content. It goes deeper into human psychology to tackle the real obstacles for getting lean. As always, thanks for watching! -Mario PS. After you watch this, check out this video on the unusual things that happen when getting to 10% body fat: https://youtu.be/jJT34XPa6nQ


My wife thinks I am obsessing about working, diet etc... but you have to stay in the mode of focusing on it. Once you stop it's really hard to get that groove back and easy to slide back into eating what I want and not exercising very much. I never want to slide in that comfort mode! Thanks Mario great channel!


People will NEVER understand why we are doing this in the first place, the amount of resistance from people is so great. They won't understand that the path to mastery requires discipline and consistency. Thank you for the words of wisdom Mario!


The fresh start is soooo true. Way too many people do this. I started my fat loss journey randomly one evening and haven’t looked back since (1.5 years ago)....down 70 plus pounds and the strongest I’ve been in my life. 🏋️‍♀️❤️💪🔥👀


Sometimes my family thinks that am obsessed because i never miss a workout and am allways counting calories { even on my birthday}. They are right to some point but i belive that being obsessed with your dream is gonna give you a big succses one day. Keep doing the good work Mario !


Dude, this is more than fitness advice. 
All those things are a recipe that can help a person avoid major calamities in life. 
There are so many reasons/excuses we give ourselves to make the unwise thing seem not only ok, but preferable.

Video was a huge encouragement for me! Keep up the good work brother! 👍


I was guilty of #3 this past weekend. Visited a friend who is a retired chef and made us lunch. I rationalized that overeating this meal was understandable, when I could have stopped with one plate. That second plates satisfaction, while delicious, didn’t outweigh the calorie surplus I put myself in. Lesson learned.


Definitely did #2 last week. Been doing very well with leaning out and I blew it all to shit with one crazy day of binging because of stress. Finally getting back on the tracks dietwise and walking-wise today, fortunately my training has been going fantastic and I only missed 10k steps the one day. Appreciate the videos, they've helped me immensely


This video got me shook with how accurate it lines up with my mindset


So many great points made here. Especially liked what you said about avoiding failure because of your ego. I’m always talking about the importance of checking your ego at the door to make progress & learn from your mistakes to keep improving. I’ve seen ego hold countless people back over the years, and it’s so true that this is one of the biggest issues most people have.....


Im currently working on my Food escapism mental patterns and I’m crushing it.
Good luck to all my brothers and sisters on the Journey.


Absolute genuine content. I'm telling this from experience. You're completely right in each single one. I've fallen into all of these things, and it has taken a lot of time to learn them and to recognize them. Psychology has a LOT of importance into the fitness journey and your mind is the hardest to understand and control. So focus on generating good mental habits that will last in the long term. Otherwise, it will be an easy come - easy go.


Liking your videos Mario. I feel like the underlying factor here is the pull to instant gratification and how it clouds are vision for the long term goal. Like in #6, a series of errors along the way, that’s life and how we grow. The balance is not sweating the miss-steps, but avoiding those becoming a regular occurrence (or like you say, go off the rails on Sat and then writing off Sun because we can start fresh on Mon). Likewise, learn from our mistakes and with the miss-steps, it’s an opportunity to get back on track and the sooner you do so is reward in itself. Micro rewards and baby steps to keep us on our journey improving our health and fitness. Thanks for the vids and staying positive.


You are 100% spot on about the accountability part. From my own personal experience, my so called “journey” started when I finally called myself out for my bad habits and took it upon myself to make that change I always wanted. Since March of 2020, I lost 40+ pounds because of changing my habits from shitty ones to good ones. I’ve unfortunately (like 99.9999%) of people fell into those binging moments mentioned in the video, but I can say I’m 100% better off with a few of those bad days as opposed to the many I had before changing my habits. It’s because of people like you I’ve gotten better and I hope in the future I’m able to help people like I helped myself :)


I have been guilty of most of these. However, after watching a few of your videos my whole perspective has changed. I knew I was doing these things, but I didn’t realize how much it was holding me back. My progress has been slow because I haven’t been consistent. Thanks to you, I think I’m finally on the proper path to reaching my goals.


The most effective way i took away the emotional reason for eating (stress) was getting back into an exercise routine.  Exercise became a huge stress management tool for me replacing food as my stress mgmt tool.


This is a seriously important video guys and gals. It doesn’t get more important than this long term. Mario you keep excelling. Forever grateful. What is not measured is not managed !!! You are the real deal


This is a brilliant video and it's inspired me to get back on track. But y'know, today, I had a bit of a crappy day, and I already ate too much for breakfast and lunch, plus I just finished that big project at work, and well, y'know, today is Independence Day, and I'll only mess it up if I start today since it's late and I'm tired, so I'll get started first thing tomorrow!


Great video - I think ultimately it's about balance and finding what level of progress you're happy with, and what works for you. Knowing that every day, you make thousands of little votes with your decisions towards the person you want to become - what will bring you closer & happy? It may be excessive to take part in every Taco Tuesday, or eat completely freely on the weekend for most. What's most important above all is adherence and I would say taking a part in taco tuesday once in a blue moon and letting yourself go to your friend's birthday dinner is part of keeping yourself sane, and feeding your relationships and other things that make life valuable. That's not to say you should get 10 tacos, or get 2 appetizers, an entree and dessert - but like your message said we should be strategic in what we let ourselves indulge in (and how we do it), and then get back to it. Part of living a valuable life is keeping up with our health, and for many of us, our fitness journeys and progress.


Great video! I agree with the idea of getting back on track asap. I'm the past it would have messed up the rest of the day, weekend,  week etc. When you take a minute and realize it happens don't dwell on it and get right back to it, the mistake(s) usually don't really affect you as much as you might have thought they were going to.