
Shoutout to Armando. RT’s best pickup since Gavin and Michael hands down


From Cult Podcast, to Funhaus, to Rooster Teeth - Armando has been an insane cast member. Love him in all forms of content since his humor is so dry and blunt.


Proud of you Armando! You’ll officially fit right in into RT and within the community, we love you and excited to see what you’ll bring in!!


As a 22 year old that has felt stagnant for years this hits too hard. Love you Armando. You're truely an inspiration to people, and not to the ones on the grindset just chasing a bag but to people that on their death bed want to be able to say they were truly happy. Keep doing you


This made me cry! Love you, Armando!!!


Imagine the Let's Play / Achievement Hunter crew giving this type of opportunity/chance/video to new additions to the team, instead of throwing them elbows deep in videos and shoving them into their viewers faces all of the sudden. It would have changed everything


This hit me good. Good luck Armando.


This is my favorite Rooster Teeth video.


Secure that bag sir, first RT video Ive watched all of in years, good to know there's still some heart there


Is there a video of that full comedy set for Baby Bodyguard??? Seems hilarious!!


Armando is literally one of the funniest people on the planet


Very nice to watch these early Armando's videos.


It’s this sort of the content that makes me glad I’m a first member. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but it’s what I needed.


This was amazing to watch, thank you Armando & RT.


Hell yeah Armando! Surprisingly heartfelt video. Loved the whole series. Welcome to RT! So so so Happy to have you.


I'm very excited to see what the future holds for Armando, he's easily my favorite new hire at Rooster Teeth!


This was profoundly moving.
I know we often clamour for Ryan Lore, but having Armando Lore? That's a HUGE treat.
I can't wait to see what you do next, Mando!


Armando is the best hire RT made since Eric


As a fellow (though much less successful) content creator I really appreciated the boldness to end this series like this. Vulnerable, but still sincere and not overly sappy. Change is really damn scary, but almost always necessary.


Best ending to this short series 🙌 I'll miss him at Funhaus but I'm sure he'll bring a laugh and a smile to everyone at Rooster Teeth 👍