One of my favourite phrases: "You cant even imagine how strong you can be when being strong is the only option you have".
I lost my father in a road accident back in 2022, and instead of supporting me, my wife of just six months chose to fight with me during that difficult time. My brother was soon diagnosed with a mental disorder, adding to the burden. With no support from my partner, I faced threats from both her and her mother, who even vowed to destroy my already struggling family. Their narcissistic behavior only worsened the situation, and I found no comfort from relatives. Yet, here I stand at 32, having weathered these challenges and standing strong. Resilience has been my path, a quality I inherited from my father, who himself faced many setbacks in life.
I had a friend that graduated with straight A's from MIT in electrical engineering. When he found work, he couldn't take the stress and had a mental breakdown. He went to school and became an electronics technician. Then he searched for a job, not mentioning he was a MIT graduate. His new employer was very happy to have a bright straight-A electronics technician.
My condolences to Freddie and luka, the 2 teens, what a loss.
Being okay with being weak sometimes opens the path to resilience. You don't beat yourself up when you fail so you dust yourself off, and soldier on.
This kept me alive and strong. "Whatever situation you are IN now, it will pass, whether you like it or not." All humans have sufferings, you're not alone.
One of my friends who was a post doc researcher at CEA, quit and is now a school teacher somewhere in a remote village in France, seems to be living a happy fulfilling life.
What helped me cope with destabilizing experiences: exercise, enough sleep, meditation, support group, reading, journal writing, friends.....
Dear DW Keep these documentaries coming in. Thank You
Prayer makes the soul strong. Knowing that there is someone who has your back in a difficult situation gives us strength to cope and this knowledge makes us more resilient
“You can’t change the situation, but you can control it- you can’t change the stressor, but you can control your reaction to it”- very powerful statement. Stay healthy, everyone!
Realizing that you cannot depend on others, that the only person you can depend on is yourself, that no one else is going to pick you up and fix your problems/life BUT YOU--forces you to be strong. You can either be strong or give up.
That's a great one. Key Learning: -> Sometimes things can happen in life that we can't change but we can accept them as it is. By this way we can away from the stresses that we can't change or improve. -> Sometimes we priotarized the thing's that we hadn't achieve. But didn't recognize the things go well. So for improving resilience we can practice to remember the simple things we achieve or goes well. -> Psychotherapy and Music can help to improve mental resilience. -> Pregnancy time and early years are most Impactful for improving mental resilience. If mother was stressed during that period it can be harmful for child's mental health.
I’ve faced major challenges from early on and throughout of my life. I swore to myself at a very young age no matter what that I won’t be trying to numb the pain in any form or shape. So never did escapism in alcohol, dr*gs and such, I acknowledged the difficulty and the pain, stayed true to my core values and what definitely made me cope the best and stay mentally strong is being creative. It made me go through and come stronger at the other end of a battle.
I’ve got a neurological illness that causes excruciating pain every day. I’ve had it for 6 years. If you’d told me 6 years ago I’d have been able to put up with it for this long I wouldn’t have believed you. It’s amazing what you can get through if you take one day at a time.
Excellent documentary thank you. I developed a strategy a long time ago for dealing with stress, anxiety, worry, and any other negative mental state. A big part of that strategy is referring to a number of written reminders; reminders of what thoughts or actions got me through previous troubled times! So I have short notes, most of them just a single word written on a piece of paper, but just seeing that single word or short phrase reminds me of how to cope this time. I have all these notes kept together in a safe place. Whenever I am in a negative mental state, I go to the notes, and read them all as reminders. The result is usually instantaneous relief. I call this collection of notes, my holy book, and reading them, is my prayer! Interestingly one of the words is 'Resilience'. Just seeing that word on that little piece of paper seems to help me to instantly become much more 'RESILIENT'!
Another quality DW documentary containing brave and courageous people telling their stories of pain and suffering. God bless you all.
What gives us resilience is knowing - really knowing - that the difficult situation will eventually change and pass. We have the seasons to remind us of that. Yes, there is winter but it always, always, always changes into spring, and then summer, and then fall/autumn, and then winter again. Don't ever think that a situation will last forever, even if it's a good situation. Appreciate the good when it's there and wring out as much joy from it as you can, and, when winter comes, know that you will make it through. Don't fight it. Don't hate it. Just let it go through its wintery motions, whatever it needs to do, and it will eventually change.
I have a friend that lost 4 of her children in an accident. I can’t belive her resiliance. She decided to live every day as they wil like to see her: with a smile. Humans like her are amazing.