
Who still listens to all of Blackmill? I love the variety of music Blackmill has and it keeps me coming back over and over again.


Blackmill, you are easily one of the best musicians to bless us in recent times. Songs like spirit of life will live with me forever.


I listen to your music almost daily and have done since 2012, thank you Blackmill


It is an honor to be here and to appreciate more of your music! I've been listening to your songs since I was 14, and now it is crazy to think that I'm going to play a LOT of Blackmill from back then to my kids so they can sleep peacefully - like I did for so many nights.

I can not thank you enough. Please, take care and keep making music. From me and my family - we love you <3


We miss you man! Please keep making music!!!


You were such a huge part of my childhood, and sparked my love for Drum & Bass and Dubstep as a thirteen year old kid. Something which is now evolving into creating music & Dj'ing. Glad to see you're still producing, Thank you Blackmill!


Blackmill's music changed my life. It is a story much too long for this comment section, but it's true.




No matter how far I feel I have fallen, the distance my life has taken me; Your touch of something familiar soothes a starvation I forgot I lived with.
Thank you for reminding me of this rare joy of music.


Blackmill, your music has guided my mind for years. For some reason I can always put it on and listen to the same songs over and over and over, escaping anxious thoughts or feeling I may be experiencing. And if and when I hear someone else listening to Blackmill we become best friends IMMIDIETLY.  Thank you for pursuing this passion you are a gift.


A surprise Blackmill upload is one of the sweetest surprises.


Man where the hell did the 10 years go. I'm about to be 30 and it still feels like yesterday when I first heard Rain. Thanks for doing what you do, your music has helped me a lot thru the years.


What a lovely suprise from you and John! Also I really adore these kind of visuals. I hope you feel that inspiration ❤️ Best wishes, Killigrew/Krisu


ah blackmill. your music has been an integral part of my life and has helped me through very dark times.  Now I am in a good place, married, with a baby on the way! thank you, for everything. your tracks brought me and still bring me peace to this day.  I hope whatever you are doing in life, you can do it with the knowledge that your music most likely helped so many people other than me.  May Allah bless you!


Happy to see a new song, I still listen often to the old ones


This is the kinda music I listen when I distance myself from society.
A few times a year I leave my cell phone, internet, and any connection to society at home and head for the house by the sea and just meditate.
I come back a new person.
Thanks Blackmill for the music you create


Been boppin to your classics for a decade now, life is just better with Blackmill! 💕


I am in awe, so beautiful!! It is a time to heal, God is calling us to rise now and live our best lives while we are still here. With love in our hearts and hope for ourselves and eachother. Thank you for this!! 💗🙏💗


oh my god yes another blackmill and John Edge. Loved Emerald City and this one is top tier as well


Honestly one of the best songs I've heard during my life time and one that will be remembered in history and listened through time. Makes me feel connected to myself. Makes me feel alive as if I could feel the connection between every living thing that ever existed and with creation itself. This is what music was made for, to helps us connect to each other, all of us and to make us feel alive and happy.